A Flutter Package that provides you an beautified alternative of Dropdown widget. It is highly Customisable in terms of size, color, style, etc.
custom_picker: <latest_version>
You can use multiple text beautification options with detected text formats.
// deciding list whether to show loop over popup items
optionLoop: [false, false],
// give popup height
popupHeight: 200,
// where to show popupmenu
below: false,
// give where to place popup vertically
verticalOffset: 10,
// hanfle all changes here
handleChange: (list) {
// to include yes no dialog or not
yesNo: true,
//give color to popup selected option
popUpSelColor: Colors.black.withAlpha(150),
// customize text style for each popUp list
popUpTextStyle: const [
TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20),
TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20),
// customize text style for each list
widTextStyle: const [
TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 18),
TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 18),
// customize divider color
divColor: Colors.black,
//give a decoration to your popupmenu
popUpDecoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.black.withAlpha(100),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)),
// decorate your picker widget
widDecoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(width: 2, color: Colors.black),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
// input all list you want to display in popupmenu
list: const [
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'],
['one', 'two', 'three']
// control flex property of picker children
wtList: [3, 1],
// callback that'll be call when option of YesNo dialog is clicked
onChanged: (List<int> value) {
//give initial selected item indicies
selected: const [0, 1],
parameter | description | default |
popupHeight | The height of the popup | 400 |
optionLoop | List of boolswhich child to loop over wheel | true for all children |
below | show popup widget below the widget | Color(0xFF424242) |
popUpDecoration | The FontWeight of UnDetected Text | radius : 10, border: Color(0xFF424242) |
verticalOffset | vertical position of popup widget | TextAlign.start |
selected | initially selected list | required |
yesNo | whether to show YesNo dialog | false |
popUpTextStyle | add TextStyle of popup children | TextStyle(fontSize: 17) |
widTextStyle | add TextStyles of Picker Children | TextStyle() |
onChanged | Whenever the current date is changed. If this is null, the picker is considered disabled | required |
handleChange | any change in any child will call this method | void |
popUpMargin | Margin for PopUp Widget (if it is zero, pop up widget will be visible at the center of picker) | hor = 20 , ver =20 |
onCancel | Whenever the user cancels when changing the date. | void |
list | List of Lists of Options to be displayed on pop up widget | required |
wtList | List flex propertry of visible widget items | equal for each child |
contentPadding | The padding of the picker widget | zero |
widDecoration | BoxDecoration for visible widget | BoxDecoration() |
childDecoration | BoxDecoration for visible widget's child | default TextStyle |
widHeight | height for visible widget | 40 |
divColor | Divider Color for visible Widget | Color(0xFF424242) |
popUpSelColor | PopUp Selected Item Color | Colors.white |