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Docker image setup for the integration of the EUTelescope package using the duartej/eudaqv1-ubuntu image


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EUTelescope dockerfile

Creates the environment to run the EUDAQ framework using the image provided by duartej/eudaqv1-ubuntu (see dockerfiles-eudaqv1 and activating the LCIO and EUTelescope dependencies of EUDAQ. This package assumes that the dockerfiles-eudaqv1 repository is present locally, installed and configured.

Note that from the 'official' Eutelescope github repository, under the docker folder you can find Dockerfiles to build docker images using the ilcinstall package. Check what EUDAQ version/branch is built in there.


Assuming git, docker and docker-compose is installed on your system (host-computer).

  1. Clone the docker eutelescope repository and configure it
$ EUDAQDOCKER=<path to dockerfiles-eudaqv1 local folder>
$ git clone -b eutelescope
$ cd dockerfiles-eutelescope

The script will create some docker-compose*.yml files.

  1. Download the automated build from the dockerhub:
$ docker pull duartej/eutelescope:latest

or alternativelly you can build an image from the Dockerfile

# Using docker
$ docker build
# Using docker-compose within the repo directory
$ docker-compose build eutelescope


Apart from the straightforward usage of EUTelescope, this docker image is intended to be used for the EUDAQ framework in subtitution of the dockerfiles-eudaqv1 created image, i.e. duartej/eudaqv1-ubuntu; as the present docker image supersedes it by accessing to the LCIO and EUTelescope dependencies. Therefore when using this image in the development mode, be sure re-compile the code in the eudaq repository folder by using the proper dependencies:

$ cd dockerfiles-eutelescope
$ docker-compose run --rm devcode
eudaquser@9ddbd5e1149b:/eudaq$ cd /eudaq/eudaq/build
eudaquser@9ddbd5e1149b:/eudaq$ rm -rf * 
eudaquser@9ddbd5e1149b:/eudaq$ cmake .. -DBUILD_tlu=ON -DBUILD_python=ON -DBUILD_ni=ON -DUSE_LCIO=ON -DBUILD_nreader=ON`

Production environment

The production environment uses the EUDAQ v1.x-dev branch.

The recommended way to launch all needed services is with docker-compose You should be at the dockerfiles-eutelescope repository folder and launch:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml up 

One service per each element of the framework (run control, logger, data collector, online monitor, TLU producer, ... <to be defined which are the minimum needed>) is created, all connected to the run control at tcp://

To run only one particular service:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml run --rm <service_name>

note, however, that run control and the logger are always launched as needed for any of the EUDAQ producers or components. service_name could be:

  • runControl
  • logger
  • dataCollector
  • onlineMon
  • TestProducer
  • NIProducer
  • TLU

If you want to add other element of the framework, just create a container using the duartej/eutelescope image. Be sure you connect the service to the <foldername>_static_network (check your available networks docker network ls); and assign an unused ip:

$ docker run --rm -i \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -e DISPLAY=unix${DISPLAY} \
    --network <foldername>_static_network \
    --ip 172.20.168.XX \
# Once inside the container, lauch the process you are 
# interested, and remember to connect (if needed) to run control
# at tcp://

DISCLAIMER: in alpha yet, not tested in production environments

Development environment

The development environment uses the EUDAQ repository placed in the host computer at $HOME/repos/eudaq, which was previously cloned and checkout to v1.x-dev branch in the installation step of the dockerfiles-eudaqv1 package.

Analogously to the production environment, the recommended way to launch all needed services is with docker-compose, this time without explicitely especify the yaml files (as uses the default and the override mechanism).

$ docker-compose up 

or launching a concrete service as explained in the production section:

$ docker-compose run --rm <service_name>

An extra service is available in order to allow compilation of the developed code: devcode and devcode-p (the privileged version, to be run for TLU related check). The build directory in the container is found in the /eudaq/eudaq/build:

$ docker-compose run --rm devcode


Docker image setup for the integration of the EUTelescope package using the duartej/eudaqv1-ubuntu image







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