This is the sequel to DT Danmaku (
Run "DT Danmaku 2.exe"
The source code of DT Danmaku 2 (the contents under the "Source code" folder) is licensed under the MIT license. However, note that it uses dependencies and other assets that are licensed under different licenses.
The code uses the AgateLib library for rendering graphics. AgateLib is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 1.1. See for more details about the AgateLib library. The AgateLib source code is located under /Dependencies/AgateLib.
The code also uses SDL, which is licensed under the LGPL.
The font used in the images was generated by metaflop. (See for more details about metaflop.) As the website notes: "All outline-based fonts (webfonts or otf) that are generated with this project are licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.1 (OFL). This means that you can freely use and extend the fonts and also use them commercially. Any derivative work has to be made freely available under the same license."
The game uses images from Kenney Asset Pack. These images are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). See for more details.
The game uses sound effects from various sources. See the /Data/Audio folder for the relevant files. The associated license.txt files contain the author and licensing information for each audio file.
The game uses the "Xeon Theme Remastered" music, which was created by Bart ( and downloaded from
The music is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license ( ). The music file was not altered/modified in any way.
In the root folder, we have "DT Danmaku 2.exe", which is the actual executable. This readme file ("") and a copy of the MIT license ("MIT license.txt") are also present.
There are also several libraries used by "DT Danmaku 2.exe":
- AgateLib.dll
- AgateLib.WinForms.dll
- AgateLib.WinForms.xml
- AgateLib.xml
- AgateOTK.dll
- AgateSDL.dll
- Danmaku2Lib.dll
- libogg-0.dll
- libvorbis-0.dll
- libvorbisfile-3.dll
- OpenTK.dll
- OpenTK.Utilities.dll
- OpenTK.Utilities.xml
- OpenTK.xml
- SDL.dll
- SDL_mixer.dll
- Tao.Sdl.dll
- Tao.Sdl.xml
In the "Data" folder, there are two folders: "Images" and "Audio". The "Images" folder contains the images used by the program. The "Audio" folder contains the audio files used by the program.
The "Source code" folder contains the source code.
The "Dependencies" folder contains the third-party libraries used; in this case, this is just AgateLib.
First, compile the files in the "/Source code/Danmaku2Lib" folder:
csc /target:library /out:Danmaku2Lib.dll ".\Source code\Danmaku2Lib\*.cs"
Then, compile the files in the "/Source code/Danmaku2" folder; note that these files reference the Danmaku2Lib.dll file (created above) and AgateLib as dependencies:
csc /target:winexe /out:"DT Danmaku 2.exe" /reference:Danmaku2Lib.dll /reference:AgateLib.dll /platform:anycpu32bitpreferred ".\Source code\Danmaku2\*.cs"
Note that AgateLib requires several files in order to work; ensure that the following files are also present:
- AgateLib.dll
- AgateLib.WinForms.dll
- AgateLib.WinForms.xml
- AgateLib.xml
- AgateOTK.dll
- AgateSDL.dll
- libogg-0.dll
- libvorbis-0.dll
- libvorbisfile-3.dll
- OpenTK.dll
- OpenTK.Utilities.dll
- OpenTK.Utilities.xml
- OpenTK.xml
- SDL.dll
- SDL_mixer.dll
- Tao.Sdl.dll
- Tao.Sdl.xml