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DrStack is an oddly named common command-line client for the OpenStack Identity, Compute and Image APIs. It is a thin wrapper to the stock python-keystoneclient, python-novaclient and glance libraries that implement the actual API clients.

This is a proof-of-concept that attempts to prototype the design goals shown in DrStack's primary goal is to provide a unified shell command structure and (as much as possible) a common language to describe operations in OpenStack.


DrStack is entirely configured with environment variables and command-line options. It looks for the standard variables listed in for the 'password flow' variation.

export OS_AUTH_URL=url-to-openstack-identity
export OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant
export OS_USERNAME=user
export OS_PASSWORD=password    # yes, it isn't secure, we'll address it in the future

The corresponding command-line options look very similar:

--os-auth-url <url>
--os-tenant-name <tenant-name>
--os-username <user-name>
--os-password <password>

Additional command-line options and their associated environment variables are listed here:

--debug             # turns on some debugging of the API conversation
                      (via httplib2)
--default-flavor    # the _name_ of the flavor used to create an instance
                      if flavor= is not specified in *create instance*
--default-image     # the _name_ of the image used to create an instance
                      if image= is not specified in *create instance*


DrStack provides a command-line interface via the dr script. Invoked with no arguments, or only the configuration options above, it provides an interactive readline-based interface to its entire command set.

When invoked in interactive mode, the client credentials are cached to avoid the need to set up each object on every command invocation. Bash-style tab completion is enabled.


DrStack uses a verb-subject command structure.

In interactive mode, <TAB><TAB> will display the list of available subjects for each command verb.


image      instance


image      instance


flavor                 image
instance               keypair                role
security-group         security-group-rules   service
tenant                 user


flavor     image      instance   tenant     user


DrStack is a new command-line interface to the existing OpenStack client libraries (python-novaclient, python-keystoneclient, glance). It borrows some code from those libraries to change the behaviour; those files are located in drstack.compat.

In the case of glance, since the client bits are not yet separated from the main code yet, the entire thing must be installed.

DrStack also implements some extenstions to the standard APIs. These are located in drstack/compat and extend the standard objects with functionality that is not yet merged into the clients. At this time, this is primarily the ability to use tenant, user, role names, etc in place of the IDs.

Sample Session

Configure via env and run DrStack:

dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ export OS_AUTH_URL=
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ export OS_USERNAME=admin
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ export OS_PASSWORD=0penstack
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr list instance
|                  id                  |   name  |
| ead97d84-6988-47fc-9637-3564fc36bc4b | test    |
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr --username=demo --tenant-name=demo list instance
|                  id                  |   name  |
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr show instance dcbc2185-ba17-4f81-95a9-c3fae9b2b042
|        Property        |                Value                 |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig      | MANUAL                               |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 1                                    |
| flavor                 | m1.small                             |
| id                     | dcbc2185-ba17-4f81-95a9-c3fae9b2b042 |
| image                  | 754c231e-ade2-458c-9f91-c8df107ff7ef |
| name                   | test                                 |
| private_address        |                          |
| status                 | ACTIVE                               |
| user                   | vish                                 |
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr create image name=DrStack_0.1.0_source <dist/drstack-0.1.0.tar.gz
Added new image with ID: 62f39031-2d3d-47d4-a467-6f9de0d1b7c3
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr list image
|                  id                  |                    name                    |
| 62f39031-2d3d-47d4-a467-6f9de0d1b7c3 | DrStack_0.1.0_source                       |
dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr show image 62f39031-2d3d-47d4-a467-6f9de0d1b7c3
| Property  |                Value                 |
| id        | 62f39031-2d3d-47d4-a467-6f9de0d1b7c3 |
| is_public | False                                |
| min_disk  | 0                                    |
| min_ram   | 0                                    |
| name      | DrStack_0.1.0_source                 |
| owner     | 2136df1a9984451eb470b37039d16dd2     |
| status    | active                               |

DrStack used cmd2 to give it a built-in shell:

dtroyer@beaker:~/src/openstack/drstack $ dr
Welcome to DrStack
admin:admin> list flavor
| id |    name   |
| 1  | m1.tiny   |
| 2  | m1.small  |
| 3  | m1.medium |
| 4  | m1.large  |
| 5  | m1.xlarge |
admin:admin> list image
|                  id                  |                    name                    |
| 05ce2caf-e352-4034-b66d-596b78c2bd8d | oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-kernel       |
| 0fe8d01a-4a91-4fa5-b502-574042d7f1b2 | cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank-kernel           |
| 27f8098f-2dc7-4800-afbe-4297cc42c375 | natty-server-cloudimg-amd64                |
| 2bbabfae-cc71-4089-8995-8ec97c43472d | cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs                 |
| 3f3a8f02-b2b9-4512-9a05-1f64cffb65ec | ttylinux-uec-amd64-11.2_2.6.35-15_1        |
| 73b80005-7da1-4d1a-b5ee-122be0078890 | natty-server-cloudimg-amd64-kernel         |
| 754c231e-ade2-458c-9f91-c8df107ff7ef | oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64              |
| cac71199-987a-471d-9287-144724301c07 | ttylinux-uec-amd64-11.2_2.6.35-15_1-kernel |
| f1f7be4a-4e65-41ab-bc0b-719a4df3a946 | cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank-ramdisk          |
| fb09d36e-1884-42e7-970b-bffe853b67aa | cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank                  |
admin:admin> create instance flavor=m1.small image=oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64 name=dtroyer
server 1cdbfd9a-106a-4010-bf1c-9afcdedb9951 started
server 1cdbfd9a-106a-4010-bf1c-9afcdedb9951 status: ACTIVE
admin:admin> list instance
|                  id                  |   name  |
| 1cdbfd9a-106a-4010-bf1c-9afcdedb9951 | dtroyer |
| ead97d84-6988-47fc-9637-3564fc36bc4b | test    |
admin:admin> delete instance 1cdbfd9a-106a-4010-bf1c-9afcdedb9951
admin:admin> list instance
|                  id                  |   name  |
| ead97d84-6988-47fc-9637-3564fc36bc4b | test    |

Do some keystone stuff:

admin:admin> list tenant
|        name        |                id                | enabled | description |
| admin              | dd1b216136784d93a6f7a4acb8e94937 | True    | None        |
| demo               | 2de2664d44fb4e44b92d859eb123d378 | True    | None        |
| invisible_to_admin | 71d2299e014f41a3b53fbb7efe636ea2 | True    | None        |
admin:admin> show tenant admin
|   Property  |              Value               |
| description | None                             |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | dd1b216136784d93a6f7a4acb8e94937 |
| name        | admin                            |
admin:admin> list user
|  name |                id                | enabled |       email       |
| admin | 7b184626eebc42d6bd703f67e89465df | True    | |
| demo  | 60ed0e0fda3448a5ac1b949cf44f5f21 | True    | |
admin:admin> show user demo
| Property |              Value               |
| email    |                |
| enabled  | True                             |
| id       | 60ed0e0fda3448a5ac1b949cf44f5f21 |
| name     | demo                             |
admin:admin> list role
| id |         name         |
| 1  | admin                |
| 2  | Member               |
| 3  | KeystoneAdmin        |
| 4  | KeystoneServiceAdmin |
| 5  | sysadmin             |
| 6  | netadmin             |

Since DrStack uses cmd2, it has access to the python interpreter:

admin:admin> py
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

[<Server: dtroyer>, <Server: test>]


DrStack OpenStack client







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