Bash and C studies: work from the 42/Hive Helsinki Piscine intensive bootcamp in August 2019
- I am going over my exercises again, so everything here is rough ‘work-in-process' for learning.
- the classic 'École 42 code copy/paste warning' applies: if you're currently on the Piscine and copy any of the code, beware! Some of the code may have been intentionally altered/disabled - and some just plain 'ol waiting to be fixed...
The Piscine includes days d00-d13, Friday exams and weekend projects (individual and group 'rush projects')
Week 1: d00 - d04, Exam00, Rush00 & Sastantua
Week 2: d05 - d09, Exam01, Rush01 & Match-n-Match
Week 3: d10 - d13, Exam02, Rush02 & EvalExpr
Week 4: BSQ & ExamFinal