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What should valid_beg and valid_end be for accums in grid_stat output #1096

Locked Answered by JohnHalleyGotway
mpm-meto asked this question in File I/O
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@mpm-meto I see how this can be confusing. You are wondering how to make sense of the values of the FCST_VALID_BEG, FCST_VALID_END, OBS_VALID_BEG, and OBS_VALID_END columns in the output created by Grid-Stat.

In the sample grid_stat_360000L_20190901_000000V_nbrcnt.txt file you sent, they are all set to the same value of "20190901_000000". This makes sense to me and is exactly what I'd expect, but I understand how this behavior is confusing for a variable like precipitation, which is accumulated through time.

Let's step back and ask the question, why are there 4 different columns to indicate the valid time? Many of the MET tools write to a common ascii file format which we call the ".stat"…

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