Please start server BEFORE any client!
#Run server
go run cmd/server/server.go -p 17100
#Run client
go run cmd/client/client.go
Example: go run cmd/client/client.go -h localhost:17100 -n Dmytro
All flags are optional and provides default values -h - server host and port to which you are connecting -n - client username, no special validation on server, just ensure that user with same name was not joined before -d - set debug mode in the logging (true/false) -lf - client log file path (ensure file is accessible otherwise stdout will be used)
#Client menu description
- Start conversation - select contact from list of available (all joined contacts + groups visible for this user). Start chatting, type :q if you want to leave chatting window.
- Create group chat - create new group. Application validates that group is non-existent. Current user joined automatically
- Join group chat - user can join to existent group
- Leave group chat - leave group, if last user left - group deleted automatically
- Quit - Leave client znd logout from server