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A command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README file from a user's input.

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A command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README file from a user's input using Node.js and the Inquirer.js package.

View the application here

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Inquirer package
  • Terminal


  1. To create a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional file from a user's input using the Inquirer package.

  2. Use the following tools and technologies:

    • fs for writing to the file system

    • inquirer for collecting user input

    • String template literals for generating a string version of the HTML/ document before it is written to the file system

    • Promises for handling asynchronous behavior

  3. Invoke the application by using the following command: node index.js

  4. Use Screencastify and provide a link to a walkthrough video that demonstrates its functionality.


The goals above and the application can be further understood with the following definitions:

node.js : an implementation of the V8 JavaScript engine without Chrome. It allows you to write server-side code using JavaScript. This means that you no longer need a browser to run JavaScript. You can do so from the command line. Node.js ships with a standard library.

standard library : The standard library contains a number of modules that allow you to extend the functionality of Node.js, like fs, which you’ll use to read and write files.

command-line : processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text; developers use to communicate with computers.

dependencies : when a program or piece of software relies on one or more other programs to run; where manage the set of dependent programs that the application relies on.

inquirer : an npm package that provides an easy way to capture user input in your node.js command-line interface applications. It provides several methods for asking questions and returning answers from the user that can be accessed by a .then promise function.

promise function : a promise represents a value not necessarily known when the promise is created. It lets asynchronous methods return values instead of immediately returning the final value, the asynchronous method returns a promise to supply the value at some point in the future.

fs : The fs module of Node.js provides a lot of useful functions to access and interact with the file system. You do not install it because it is a part of the Node.js core. It can be used by requiring it

util : module that provides access to some utility functions as well as provides some functions to print formatted strings. Use require('util') to access these functions.

promisify : util.promisify converts a regular function into an async function, a function that returns a promise. The function passed to util.promisify must follow the node.js callback style.

try...catch(error) : used to handle exceptions when using the synchronous form.

await : operator used to wait for a promise. It can only be used inside an async function. The await expression causes async function execution to pause until a promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected) and to resume execution of the async function after fulfillment. When resumed, the value of the await expression is that of the fulfilled promise.


Our instructions were based on the following User Story and Acceptance Criteria:

User Story

AS A developer
I WANT a README generator
SO THAT I can quickly create a professional README for a new project

Acceptance Criteria

The application must meet the following requirements:

GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input
WHEN I am prompted for information about my application repository
THEN a high-quality, professional is generated with the title of my project and sections entitled Description, Table of Contents, Installation, Usage, License, Contributing, Tests, and Questions
WHEN I enter my project title
THEN this is displayed as the title of the README
WHEN I enter a description, installation instructions, usage information, contribution guidelines, and test instructions
THEN this information is added to the sections of the README entitled Description, Installation, Usage, Contributing, and Tests
WHEN I choose a license for my application from a list of options
THEN a badge for that license is added near the top of the README and a notice is added to the section of the README entitled License that explains which license the application is covered under
WHEN I enter my GitHub username
THEN this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with a link to my GitHub profile
WHEN I enter my email address
THEN this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with instructions on how to reach me with additional questions
WHEN I click on the links in the Table of Contents
THEN I am taken to the corresponding section of the README


Steps required to create README generator:

  1. Create a new repository.

    • Open GitHub and create new repository.
    • do NOT add a file upon creation (that would defeat the purpose!).
  2. Create a new directory to house new repo on your local computer.

    • Open Terminal (if MacOS), create a new directory using mkdir project-name
    • Make sure you are in the root file of your local repository before you create any files.
  3. Clone your GitHub repository to your local computer (make sure you are in the root folder of your new directory)

    git clone ssh-key-from-repository
  4. Create a .gitignore file:

    • type node_modules in first line
    • type .DS_Store in second line
  5. Create a new package.json file:

    • Initialize npm: npm init. This will be used to set up a new or existing npm package. You can customize the fields, or you can continue to press the enter key until you see 0 vulnerabilities.
    • This will create a package.json file and a package-lock.json file.
    • Install the Inquirer package using: npm install inquirer
    • This will create a node_modules file.
    • You are now ready to create your index.js file: touch index.js
  6. Set up Inquirer package within your newly created index.js file.

const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const fs = require("fs");
const util = require("util");
const { captureRejectionSymbol } = require("events");
const { fileURLToPath } = require('url');

const writeFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);
  1. Copy and paste the code (or fork it) from the index.js within this repository.

  2. Save file. Run index.js file within terminal using node index.js

  3. If working, answer the prompts by entering your own inputs via the command line.

  4. A file called will be created upon completeion.


Enter your inputs via the command-line...Your inputs should look like this in the terminal before your README is generated. view of terminal prompts

Your inputs should look like this when you generate the README and it converts into markdown format. code to md file

The final result of your newly generated should look like this: New README Gif

Watch a complete run through of the application, or watch on YouTube here

README run through Gif


Reference articles:


Dana Smooke



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A command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README file from a user's input.







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