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Dataverse Ansible role

June 29, 2020: This repository is deprecated.

The dataverse-ansible repo has been moved to the Global Dataverse Community Consortium organization.

Existing files will remain here to avoid breaking dependencies, but may no longer be updated.


Running the following commands as root should install the latest released version of Dataverse.

$ git clone dataverse
$ ansible-playbook --connection=local -v -i dataverse/inventory dataverse/dataverse.pb -e dataverse/defaults/main.yml


Installation, customization, administration, and API documentation can be found in the Dataverse 4 Guides.

The preparation lies in the group_var options (usernames/passwords, whether to install Shibboleth, etc.). Your <group_vars_file> may be a set of generic defaults stored in roles/dataverse/defaults/main.yml, but you'll likely want to modify this file or copy it and edit to suit your needs. Then, fire away:

Full(er) Usage:

$ git clone dataverse
$ ansible-playbook -i <inventory file> [-u <user>] [-b] [-K] -e @<group_vars_file> [-v] dataverse.pb
option expansion required
-b Become yes
-K asK for elevelated privilege password yes
-e Extra variables file no
-v run with Verbosity (up to three Vs) no

The role currently supports CentOS 7 and 8 with all services running on the same machine, but intends to become OS-agnostic and support multiple nodes for scalability.

If you're interested in testing Dataverse locally using Vagrant, you'll want to clone this repository and edit the local port redirects if the http/https ports on your local machine are already in use. Note that the current Vagrant VM template requires VirtualBox 5.0+ and will automatically launch the above command within your Vagrant VM.

Ansible Tags

It is possible to run certain portions of the playbook to avoid running the entire role using ansible tags. Grab the desired tag from tasks/main.yml then re-run the above playbook command, appending:

--tags "munin"

Note: While Ansible in general strives to achieve role idempotence, the dataverse-ansible role is merely a wrapper for the Dataverse installer, which itself is not idempotent. If you strongly desire that the role be idempotent and would like achieve this via semaphores, pull requests are welcome!

To test using Vagrant:

$ git clone
$ cd dataverse-ansible
$ vagrant up

On successful completion of the Vagrant run, you should be able to log in to your test Dataverse as dataverseAdmin using the dataverse_adminpass from group_vars/vagrant.vars using the address:


If you needed to update the host port in the Vagrantfile due to collision, you'd append it to the URL, for example "http://localhost:8080"

Key components

  • Apache httpd
    • Used as a front-end (proxy) for Glassfish (and Shibboleth, if enabled).
    • Default config location: /etc/httpd/conf.d
    • $ systemctl {stop|start|restart|status} httpd.
  • GlassFish server (Java EE application server)
    • Default location: /user/local/glassfish4
    • Default config location: /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml
    • $ systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} glassfish
  • Solr (indexing)
    • Default schema location: /usr/local/solr/example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml
    • $ systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} solr
  • Postgres (database)
    • Default data/config location: /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/
    • $ systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} postgresql-9.6
    • Note: as of this writing, RHEL/CentOS8 are compiled- and will only work with PostgresQL 10+
  • Shibboleth
    • Provides an additional authentication provider.
    • Default config location: /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml
    • Site-specific and therefore not activated in the default configuration
    • $ systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} shibd

IQSS' Sample Data

The role will populate the Dataverse instance with sample data from IQSS' Sample Data repo if run with the dataverse.sampledata.enabled group variable is set to true. You may fork this repo and provide your own sampledata by setting the dataverse.sampledata.repo and dataverse.sampledata.branch group variables.

Custom Sample Data

The role will, if desired, populate the Dataverse instance with custom sample data, and when simply enabled via the dataverse.custom_sampledata.enabled group variable will create a handful of dataverses, datasets, and users. It will also upload a few small sample files snagged from the Dataverse repository's test subdirectory.

You may supply your own sample data by modifying and/or creating JSON files and/or shell scripts (*.sh) in the appropriate directories:

tests/sampledata/dataverses: JSON
tests/sampledata/users: JSON + shell script(s) to create users
tests/sampledata/datasets: JSON + shell script(s) to create datasets
tests/sampledata/files: data files + shell scripts(s) to upload them

The idea was to provide basic sample data yet allow for customization. The role searches the above directories and acts on the contents. Feel free to substitute your own sampledata, and even more free to submit improvements via pull request!

Replicating Existing Data

If you wish to clone an existing installation, you should perform the following (example uses default user/db names):

  • On the source instance server

    • $ pg_dump -U postgres dvndb > <source-db-dump-file>
    • Copy the content directory of the source instance to the content directory of this instance.
  • On the target instace server:

    • $ systemctl stop glassfish
    • $ dropdb -U postgres dvndb
    • $ createdb -U postgres dvndb
    • $ psql -U postgres dvndb -f \<source-db-dump-file>
    • $ systemctl start glassfish
    • $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index/clear
    • $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index

External Tools and other Features

A number of external tools have been written for Dataverse, and as requested or as noticed they show up in the Ansible role as a boolean group variable. Some are enabled by default:

Others are available but disabled by default:

SSH keys, SSL certs, LetsEncrypt

The above and many other features may be tinkered with via the Group Vars file.

This is a community effort, written primarily by [Don Sizemore][donsizemore]. The role is under active development - pull requests, suggestions and other contributions are welcome!

Build Status


Ansible role for installing Dataverse






No releases published


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  • HTML 79.0%
  • Shell 19.2%
  • Python 1.1%
  • Other 0.7%