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ASP.NET Core Web API Boilerplate

DotnetBoilerplate is a starter kit. This project follows Clean Architecture.


  • ASP.NET Core Web API (.NET 8.0)
  • Entity Framework Core (8.0.4)
  • Fluent Validation
  • JwtBearer Authentication
  • PostgreSQL
  • AutoMapper
  • Swagger (Swashbuckle)
  • MailKit

Folder Structure Conventions

├── DotnetBoilerplate.Domain
│   ├── Entities # Store entity mapping with table in database
│   ├── Enums 
│   └── Payloads # Object to store data that specific to project
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Application
│   ├── Dtos # Mostly use when receive data and return data to client
│   ├── Exceptions
│   ├── ExternalSerivces # Interfaces of external services like Email, Upload ...
│   ├── Profiles # Configuration of some profiles like AutoMapper ...
│   ├── Repositories # Interfaces of repositories(Data Access Layer) ...
│   └── DependencyInjection.cs # Register Dependency Injection used in this layer
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure
│   ├── Authorization # Implement Authorization Policies
│   ├── ExternalSerivces # Implement external services from 'Application Layer' ...
│   ├── Repositories # Implement repositories from 'Application Layer'
│   ├── Migrations
│   ├── DataContext.cs
│   └── DependencyInjection.cs
├── DotnetBoilerplate.Api
│   ├── Controllers
│   ├── Filters
│   ├── Middlewares
│   ├── Params # Common objects to store data from request
│   ├── Validators # Implement validations for request data
│   └── Program.cs
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose


  • Create appsettings.Development.json file in DotnetBoilerplate.Api folder to store environment variables for development environment. All your configurations in appsettings.json file will be overridden by appsettings.Development.json file.

  • You can customize token information (secret key, expiry date) in appsettings.json file.

"JwtSettings": {
    "Secret": "This is a secret key for authentication",
    "AccessTokenExpirationTime": 120,
    "RefreshTokenExpirationTime": 10080
"ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=dotnet-boilerplate; Username=postgres; Password=postgres"

Useful commands

To start local development with docker:

docker compose up -d --build

To just run database service on docker compose

docker compose up -d db

To work with Entify Framework CLI, you can use Package Manager of Visual Studio / JetBrains Rider, or you can install dotnet ef tool:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 8.0.4

To add migrations:

  • dotnet cli
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure\DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure.csproj -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api\DotnetBoilerplate.Api.csproj
  • Package Manager Console
Add-Migration InitialCreate -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api

To update database:

  • dotnet cli
dotnet ef database update -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure\DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure.csproj -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api\DotnetBoilerplate.Api.csproj
  • Package Manager Console
Update-Database -p DotnetBoilerplate.Infrastructure -s DotnetBoilerplate.Api

Finally, go to localhost:3000/swagger/index.html for swagger