Original course homepage: http://cs231n.stanford.edu/
참여 인원: 지도교수 강필성, 박사과정 김준홍, 김창엽, 통합과정 김형석, 김동화, 박민식, 서승완, 석사과정 김보섭, 김해동, 조수현, 서덕성, 박재선, 이기창, 모경현, 정재윤, 장명준
- Introduction to Computer Vision, historical context (Mo, KH)
- Slide with presentation
- Image classification, k-NN, and Linear classification I (Seo, DS)
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- Linear classification II Higher-level representations, image features Optimization, stochastic gradient descent (Kim, CY)
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- Backpropagation Introduction to neural networks (Kim, HD)
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- Training Neural Networks Part 1 (Kim, JH)
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- Training Neural Networks Part 2 (Kim, JH)
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- Convolutional Neural Networks (Kim, BS)
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- ConvNets for spatial localization Object detection (Park, MS)
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- Understanding and visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks Backprop into image (Kim, DH)
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- Recurrent Neural Networks (Lee, GC)
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- Training ConvNets in practice (Seo, DS)
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- Overview of Caffe/Torch/Theano/TensorFlow
- Skip
- Segmentation, Soft attention models, Spatial transformer networks (Park, JS)
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- ConvNets for videos Unsupervised learning (Kim, DH)
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- Invited Talk by Jeff Dean
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