.Net framework 4.7 or higher is now requried.
- High DPI support is now available for Windows 10 anniversary and higher (Tested, but it may work for earlier versions). If you previously scaled the ui components in the settngs, you should scale it back down or everything will be the wrong size.
Requires .net framework 4.7.
Requires Win 10 anniversary or higher for high dpi support
This is a prerelease so things may break,
Installing (Installer coming soon.)
Download the zip file in the assets section below.
- Windows may block downloaded files. Right click the zip archive and select properties and then click unblock if the option is available
- Unzip contents into a directory
- Run install.cmd as an administrator.
- There should be a pop-up asking if you want to add the toolbar. Press yes and it should appear in the taskbar
3.5. Audioband can manually be added by right clicking the taskbar > Toolbars > Audio Band - Right click the audio band toolbar and select Audio Source > Spotify (currently the only available option)
The easiest way to update is to:
- Run uninstall.cmd as administrator.
- Restart explorer.exe if it doesn't.
- Replace contents
- Run install.cmd
- Check that the correct version is installed in In Audio Band Settings > About tab
(Sorry! this is the easiest way to update currently)
The install script is a very simple one. It assumes you have .NET framework 4 and are running a 64 bit machine.