NAPS2.Wia is a standalone component that acts as a low-level wrapper around Windows Image Acquisition (WIA).
Compared to the COM-based wiaaut.dll, you get:
- WIA 2.0 support
- Better feeder compatibility
- Idiomatic .NET interface
If you're looking for a higher-level and easier-to-use scanning interface, check out NAPS2.Sdk.
using var deviceManager = new WiaDeviceManager();
// Prompt the user to select a scanner
using var device = deviceManager.PromptForDevice();
// Select either "Flatbed" or "Feeder"
using var item = device.FindSubItem("Feeder");
// Scan all pages in the feeder at once
// Enable duplex scanning
// Set up the scan
using var transfer = item.StartTransfer();
transfer.PageScanned += (sender, args) =>
using (args.Stream)
var bitmap = new Bitmap(args.Stream);
// Do something with the image
// Do the actual scan
- Native acquisition with WIA 1.0 only works in 32-bit processes. NAPS2.Sdk provides a 32-bit worker process that can be used from 64-bit applications. Most users shouldn't be affected since WIA 2.0 has no such issue.
- .NET Framework 4.0 (Windows XP+)
- .NET Core 2.0+ (Windows)
- .NET Standard 2.0+ (Windows)
Unlike most of NAPS2.Sdk which is licensed under the LGPL, NAPS2.Wia uses the more permissive MIT license.