Telegram bot, for recognizing text from voice messages or video messages. Without using an API other than aiogram.
My TG channel - Click
The bot allows you to translate voice messages and video notes into text form.
You just need to forward or record such messages.
The translation is carried out by a trained vosk model, which you can pump if you know how, of course :)
You can also add a text recognition function from the video, and in general, do what you go xD
1. The next step is to install the necessary libraries (versions are written in constants);
pip install vosk
pip install soundfile
pip install aiogram
pip install moviepy
pip install librosa
2. Next, you need to download the vosk model for your language from the official website;
- P.S: Personally, small models work better for me
4. Next, using create a bot and get its token;
5. Enter the received token and the path to the vosk model in the file constants.
If you still want to upgrade your vosk model, try this method -