Booking Calendar App
React based client side of booking calendar app.
How to run?
npm i
npm start
What is it?
A client side part of a web app for managing hotel bookings by organazing them in a calendar view. Intended for hotel administrators' usage.
What can it do?
- Display bookings in a calendar.
- DnD for assign a booking to a room, or unassign it.
- Colorize bookings.
- Show warnings whether a booking was assigned to a wrong room.
- Display bookings and guests detailed info.
- Bookings/guests search.
- Statistics gathering (Italy related).
- React: the base of the app.
- Redux: global data managing.
- Material UI: styling.
- React Router: single page app routing.
- Fixed bookings page issue on trying to use booking color directly from back end, which might be unsigned.
- Better DnD. Using mouse events instead of HTML5 DnD API. Can drag and scroll.
- Prepared configs for production.
- Fixed bug when trying to parse json from POST requests which do not have response body.
- Getting along with web service API. Slightly changed endpoints, data structures etc.
- Handling html entities which may occur in fields from back-end response.
- Splitting clients query by periods of time to improve responsiveness of the search.
- Considering police and istat data publications directly to their web services, without downloading intermediate files.
- Download police ricevuta directly from their web service.
- Allow only booking name in bookings fetch request.
- Merged floors and rooms GET API method endpoints.
- Added hotel edit page.
- Splitted hotel API endpoint into two: floors and rooms.
- Using material color utilities for colors generation.
- Fixed booking details show alerts when it should not show them.
- Room id is referenced from tile data, instead of just room number.
- Better API endpoints.