slackgpt is a simple slack bot server which handles DM's and app mention events, sending the event to chat-gpt and responding to the channel with chat-gpt's response.
slackgpt can respond to both direct messages, or threads in a channel. It can handle multiple conversations concurrently, enabling parallel conversations to happen simultaneously in channels it has been added to.
Build the binary, add tokens to config, and run!
# requires >= go 1.18 to build from source
git clone
cd slackgpt && go build -o ./bin/slackgpt
For a more thorough walk-through of setting up the bot and getting tokens, visit this detailed doc.
This program is a slack bot that sends mentions to chat-gpt and responds with chat-gpt result
VERSION: development
Usage: slackgpt --config CONFIG [--type TYPE] [--debug]
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
config file with slack app+bot tokens, chat-gpt API token
--type TYPE, -t TYPE the config type [json, toml, yaml, hcl, ini, env, properties]; if not passed, inferred from file ext
--debug set debug mode for client logging
--help, -h display this help and exit
--version display version and exit
./bin/slackgpt -c ./config.env [-t config type] [--debug]
2023/02/01 14:53:19 Config values parsed
socketmode: 2023/02/01 14:53:19 socket_mode_managed_conn.go:258: Starting SocketMode
2023/02/01 14:53:19 Connecting to Slack with Socket Mode...
Command | Description | Usage Example |
clear convo | clear conversation of thread where command is called | '@slackgpt clear convo' |
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