This is a simple task to create a suitable API back-end incorporating:
- several routes and HTTP methods
- validation of input URI segments, parameters and data
- generating suitable responses and/or error messages
- testing
The solution must be in a back-end lanaguage capable of running on a HTTP server. You can use whatever framework or dependencies you require - e.g. PHP/Symfony, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, JavaScript/Next. You could even use no external dependencies - it's up to you. For data storage, you are also free to chose whatever you think is suitable - e.g. MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL PostgreSQL - or you could simply store the cars in a cache or session, or use mock data. The important aspect is the handling of requests and generating responses.
- The API should allow the adding, deleting and listing of cars
- The age of each car submitted can not be older than four years
- There should be four initial colour options - red, blue, white and black
- The API should respond with appropriate HTTP response codes and messages
- The API should accept and return valid JSON
- A suite of suitable tests should be created for these requirements
POST /cars
GET /car/<id>
DELETE /cars/<id>
GET /cars
- ID (integer)
- Make (string)
- Model (string)
- Build Date (date)
- Colour ID (integer)
- ID (integer)
- Name (string)
- Endpoints to add, update, delete and list additional colours
- A short description of how extra data models could improve the design
- A short description on how best the API could be documented
Here's what you'll need to send us:
- A link to a public GitHub repo that you have created, containing the code
- It should contain a suite of unit tests (using whichever test framework you prefer)
- It should also contain a file explaining how to run the app and its tests
- You may also send us a link to a location hosting your code (for example, Heroku)
The task should take around 2-3 hours.