- EventLoop - ReactPHP's core reactor event loop that libraries can use for evented I/O.
- Stream - Event-driven readable and writable streams for non-blocking I/O in ReactPHP.
- Promise - A lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP.
- Socket - Async, streaming plaintext TCP/IP and secure TLS socket server and client connections for ReactPHP.
- Datagram - https://reactphp.org/datagram/
- HTTP - Event-driven, streaming plaintext HTTP and secure HTTPS server for ReactPHP.
- HTTPClient - Event-driven, streaming HTTP client for ReactPHP.
- DNS - Async DNS resolver for ReactPHP.
- Cache - Async, Promise-based cache interface for ReactPHP.
- ChildProcess - Event-driven library for executing child processes with ReactPHP.
- PromiseTimer - A trivial implementation of timeouts for Promises, built on top of ReactPHP.
- PromiseStream - The missing link between Promise-land and Stream-land for ReactPHP.
- DriftPHP - PHP framework on top of ReactPHP and Symfony components
- Loris - A tiny ReactPHP Framework to build APIs
- Antidot React - PHP Micro Framework on top of PHP-FIG PSRs and ReactPHP promises
- Cees-Jan Kiewiet: ReactPHP Series
- Sergey Zhuk: ReactPHP Series
- Marc Morera: Symfony and ReactPHP Series
- Learning Event-Driven PHP with ReactPHP - Sergey Zhuk
- ReactPHP for Beginners - Sergey Zhuk
- Building RESTful API With ReactPHP - Sergey Zhuk
- ReactPHP tutorials - Sergey Zhuk
- Create a RESTful API with ReactPHP - Sergey Zhuk
- Getting started with ReactPHP / Pushing Real-Time Data to the Browser - Christian Lück (IPC 2019) - Video
- Pushing the limits with React PHP - Christian Lück (PHP Unconference 2016) - Video
- Async PHP With React - Jeremy Mikola (Laracon 2014) - Video
- Event-driven PHP - Igor Wiedler (TakeOff 2013) - Video