Twitter bot that randomly selects two users in a list and make them fight, provided a way from another list, posting the result on Twitter with an image.
The bot works with php 7.3, nothing more. Mysql support, provided in the first version, has been removed to make it even easier to install.
You can edit the list of participants in the file subjects.csv.
You can edit the list of participants in the file ways.csv.
You can set your own message modifying the function createMessage in WarBot.php.
You can test all the possible scenarios running
Not a proper test, but it works.
PHPStan support is provided too running
composer test
Upload the code, rename env.example to .env and configure it with the Twitter credentials of the bot.
Then, make sure to edit your crontab file so the runs each X hours (2 in this case)
0 */2 * * * cd /PATH_TO_THE_CODE; php bin/tweet.php
Originally used on