- RobotCAD, fork of CROSS.
- RobotDescriptor
- Fusion2URDF, ROS 1 only
- Fusion2PyBullet
- ACDC4Robot
- FusionSDF
- fusion2urdf ROS2, port of Fusion2URDF to ROS2.
- ROS-Industrial Conference 2022, 01 Manipulation Workshop
- https://github.com/ros/solidworks_urdf_exporter
- ROSCon'22
- Cell editor
- YouTube
- From STEP to weld
- Closed-source.
- Maybe ROS1 only.
- Linux support.
- PTC Creo to URDF
- PTC Creo
- Matlab <= 2017a
- Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In [version <= 5.0]
- simmechanics-to-urdf
- ROS1
- OnShape to Robot
- OnShape account necessary
- Cross-platform
- URDF Creator, closed source
- Part of Easy Manipulation Deployment
- Not very user-friendly
- xacro
- xacro2urdf, doesn't depend on ROS
- https://github.com/galou/kdl_parser
- PyBullet
command-line tool from packageros-galactic-urdfdom
node from packageros-galactic-urdfdom
- kinpy, read URDF, forward kinematics
- yourdf_py
- urdf_py
- MPlib
ros2 launch urdf_tutorial display.launch.py
- Jupyterlab-urdf
- The V-HACD library decomposes a 3D surface into a set of "near" convex parts
- trimesh interface to V-HACD
- Mesh-to-SDF converter (uses V-HACD).
- sdfopt from FusionSDF
- mmoerdijk/generate_convex_hulls.py
- Phobos allows to make kinematic, inertia, collision, etc for your robot model and export as URDF, SDF, SMURF and other formats.