Store and retrieve user preferences.
- Remember form default values according to the last submit (for instance, repeat the date limits or the selection of an account in a dropdown list, according to the last search).
- Customize the look and feel of a website.
- etc.
use drey\Prefs\Factory;
# Obtain a Prefs object
# with file system storage and username
$prefs = Factory::fileSystem('/path/to/directory','bob')
# set preference "color" for current user (bob)
# get color preference of current user
$color = $prefs->get('color');
# $color is set to 'red'
Change the DB medium accordingly, using a pdo factory.
use drey\Prefs\Factory;
# obtain a PDO object
$pdo = myConnect();
# Obtain a Prefs object
# with RDBM storage and username
$prefs = Factory::pdo($pdo,'bob')
# set preference "color" for current user (bob)
# get color preference of current user
$color = $prefs->get('color');
# $color is set to 'red'
The table schema for MySQL should be (see directory sql/
CREATE TABLE `prefs` (
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`name`,`username`),
KEY (`username`)
If key is not found, a default value can be provided.
$bird = $prefs->get('bird','eagle');
# $bird is set to 'eagle' if key 'bird' not found
To assign/read the preferences of other users:
# ...
A global username could be used to handle preferences for all users. All users must agree on the global username (for instance '*').
# one user
# other users
$closing_date = $prefs->get('closing_date',date('Y-m-d'),'*');
Populate fields with default values if a field in our model has not any value and we are creating a new record.
# before showing the form get the last value entered
if ($model->isNewRecord && !$model->date) {
$model->date = $prefs->get('invoice_date',date('Y-m-d'));
# after post, update value entered
if (post) {
The package exists in Packagist repository as drey/prefs
See drey/prefs.