The Form Builder Microservice (FBMS) project is an Apereo uPortal Ecosystem component that brings a Form Builder feature set to the portal. This Git repo contains the sources for the back-end elements of this solution; it bundles the user interface in the build process as a web component packaged in a webjar. This web component is developed independently as the uPortal-contrib/form-builder project. Front- and back-end communicate exclusively through REST APIs.
FBMS is developed with the following Java Platform technologies:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- spring-data-jpa
- Hibernate
- Jackson (JSON)
Use the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin to execute this project in a local development environment.
$ ./gradlew fbms-webapp:bootRun
FBMS does not need uPortal to run, but can be integrated with uPortal version 5.1 or higher.
In uPortal-start, add an overlays/fbms/build.gradle
file with the following contents:
import org.apereo.portal.start.gradle.plugins.GradleImportExportPlugin
apply plugin: GradleImportExportPlugin
dependencies {
runtime "org.jasig.portal.fbms:fbms-webapp:${fbmsVersion}@war"
compile configurations.jdbc
war {
archiveName 'fbms.war'
* Import/Export Support
dependencies {
impexp configurations.jdbc
impexp 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat:2.0.3.RELEASE' // Version should match FBMS
dataInit {
* Drop (if present) then create the Hibernate-managed schema.
doLast {
File serverBase = rootProject.file(rootProject.ext['buildProperties'].getProperty('server.base'))
File deployDir = new File (serverBase, "webapps/${}")
ant.setLifecycleLogLevel('INFO') true, failonerror: true, dir: rootProject.projectDir, classname: 'org.apereo.portal.fbms.ApereoFbmsApplication') {
classpath {
pathelement(location: "${deployDir}/WEB-INF/classes")
pathelement(location: "${deployDir}/WEB-INF/lib/*")
project.configurations.impexp.files.each {
pathelement(location: it.absolutePath)
sysproperty(key: 'portal.home', value: project.rootProject.ext['buildProperties'].getProperty('portal.home'))
arg(value: '--init')
arg(value: '--spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create')
* Import database entities located anywhere within the folder
* specified by 'implementation.entities.location'.
doLast {
File serverBase = rootProject.file(rootProject.ext['buildProperties'].getProperty('server.base'))
File deployDir = new File (serverBase, "webapps/${}")
String implementationEntitiesLocation = PortalShellInvoker.createGroovySafePath(rootProject.ext['buildProperties'].getProperty('implementation.entities.location'))
ant.setLifecycleLogLevel('INFO') true, failonerror: true, dir: rootProject.projectDir, classname: 'org.apereo.portal.fbms.ApereoFbmsApplication') {
classpath {
pathelement(location: "${deployDir}/WEB-INF/classes")
pathelement(location: "${deployDir}/WEB-INF/lib/*")
project.configurations.impexp.files.each {
pathelement(location: it.absolutePath)
sysproperty(key: 'portal.home', value: project.rootProject.ext['buildProperties'].getProperty('portal.home'))
arg(value: '--import')
arg(value: "${implementationEntitiesLocation}/fbms")
Also add include 'overlays:fbms'
to your settings.gradle
Use a SimpleContentPortlet to publish the following HTML markup as a portlet:
<script src="/fbms/webjars/uportal__form-builder/0.1.2/build/static/js/form-builder.js"></script>
Replace {form.fname}
with the fname
of your form.
Browser-based clients for this microservice will often need to run on a different host or port. In these cases, support for CORS is required.
Use the
application property to specify allowed origins
for CORS requests. The default value of this property is http://localhost:8080
Typically authenticated users have permission to read any form, as well as create, read, and update their own responses to forms. (In the future FBMS may support updating responses both by overwriting an existing response and submitting a new response.)
As far as managing forms themselves, there are three types of access:
The createAuthority
allows you to create new forms, whereas updateAuthority
and deleteAuthority
apply to any form that has been previously created.
The default value for each of these authorities is Portal Administrators
, which corresponds to the
group of the same name in uPortal.
Use the following properties to assign these permissions to one or more different portal groups: Administrators, Forms Authors Administrators, Forms Editors Administrators
Apereo FBMS provides support for importing and exporting data from the console. These features are tremendously useful for provisioning new environments and migrating data.
Use the following command to drop (if necessary) and create the Hibernate-managed database tables:
$ ./gradlew assemble fbms-webapp:bootRunDataInit
Use the following command to import all Form objects serialized into JSON files that are located in
the docs/examples
$ ./gradlew assemble fbms-webapp:bootRunDataImport
NOTE: The location of this directory is very likely to change or (even more likely) become a parameter in the future. Check this document for changes.
FBMS provides API documentation based on Swagger. You can access the Swagger client at