An image processing framework based on Metal.
- Design Overview
- Builtin Filters
- Example Code
- Quick Look Debug Support
- Best Practices
- Build Custom Filter
- Install
- iOS Simulator Support
- Trivia
- Contribute
- License
MetalPetal is an image processing framework based on Metal designed to provide real-time processing for still image and video with easy to use programming interfaces.
This chapter covers the key concepts of MetalPetal, and will help you to get a better understanding of its design, implementation, performance implications and best practices.
MetalPetal is designed with the following goals in mind.
Easy to use API
Provides convenience APIs and avoids common pitfalls.
Use CPU, GPU and memory efficiently.
Easy to create custom filters as well as plugin your custom image processing unit.
Provides a fluid experience for Swift programmers.
Some of the core concepts of MetalPetal are very similar to those in Apple's Core Image framework.
Provides an evaluation context for rendering MTIImage
s. It also stores a lot of caches and state information, so it's more efficient to reuse a context whenever possible.
A MTIImage
object is a representation of an image to be processed or produced. It does directly represent image bitmap data instead it has all the information necessary to produce an image or more precisely a MTLTexture
. It consists of two parts, a recipe of how to produce the texture (MTIImagePromise
) and other information such as how a context caches the image (cachePolicy
), and how the texture should be sampled (samplerDescriptor
A MTIFilter
represents an image processing effect and any parameters that control that effect. It produces a MTIImage
object as output. To use a filter, you create a filter object, set its input images and parameters, and then access its output image. Typically, a filter class owns a static kernel (MTIKernel
), when you access its outputImage
property, it asks the kernel with the input images and parameters to produce an output MTIImage
A MTIKernel
represents an image processing routine. MTIKernel
is responsible for creating the cooresponding render or compute pipeline state for the filter, as well as building the MTIImagePromise
for a MTIImage
If an alpha channel is used in an image, there are two common representations that are available: unpremultiplied (straight/unassociated) alpha, and premultiplied (associated) alpha.
With unpremultiplied alpha, the RGB components represent the color of the pixel, disregarding its opacity.
With premultiplied alpha, the RGB components represent the color of the pixel, adjusted for its opacity by multiplication.
Most of the filters in MetalPetal accept unpremultiplied alpha and opaque images and output unpremultiplied alpha images. Some filters, such as MTIMultilayerCompositingFilter
accepts both unpremultiplied/premultiplied alpha images.
MetalPetal handles alpha type explicitly. You are responsible for providing the correct alpha type during image creation.
There are three alpha types in MetalPetal.
: the alpha value in the image is not premultiplied.
: the alpha value in the image is premultiplied.
: there's no alpha channel in the image or the image is opaque.
Typically, CGImage
, CVPixelBuffer
, CIImage
objects have premultiplied alpha channel. MTIAlphaType.alphaIsOne
is strongly recommanded if the image is opaque, e.g. a CVPixelBuffer
from camera feed, or a CGImage
loaded from a jpg
You can call unpremultiplyingAlpha()
or premultiplyingAlpha()
on a MTIImage
to convert the alpha type of the image.
For performance reasons, alpha type validation only happens in debug build.
MetalPetal does a lot of optimizations for you under the hood.
It automatically caches functions, kernel states, samplers, etc.
Before rendering, MetalPetal can look into your image render graph and figure out the minimal number of intermedinate textures needed to do the rendering, saving memory, energy and time.
It can also re-organize the image render graph if multiple “recipes” can be concatenated to eliminate redundant render passes. (MTIContext.isRenderGraphOptimizationEnabled
objects are immutable, which means they can be shared safely among threads.
However, MTIFilter
objects are mutable and thus cannot be shared safely among threads.
A MTIContext
contains a lot of states and caches. There's a thread-safe mechanism for MTIContext
objects, making it safe to share a MTIContext
object among threads.
Fully customizable vertex and fragment functions.
MRT (Multiple Render Targets) support.
Generally better performance. (Detailed benchmark data needed)
You can use MTISCNSceneRenderer
to generate MTIImage
s from a SCNScene
. You may want to handle the SceneKit renderer's linear RGB color space, see issue #76 The image from SceneKit is darker than normal.
See MetalPetalJS
With MetalPetalJS you can create render pipelines and filters using JavaScript, making it possible to download your filters/renderers from "the cloud".
MetalPetal, by default, uses MTKTextureLoader
to load CGImage
s, images from URL
, and named images.
You can custom this behavior by implementing the MTITextureLoader
protocol. Then assign your texture loader class to MTIContextOptions.textureLoaderClass
when creating a MTIContext
The MTKTextureLoader
on iOS 9 loads images with the bottom-left origin by default. MetalPetal provides a custom texture loader to resolve this issue. You can add the following code if you'd like MetalPetal to use the MTITextureLoaderForiOS9WithImageOrientationFix
on iOS 9. Releated issue(s): #67 MTIColorLookupFilter error result
if (NSFoundationVersionNumber <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_9_x_Max) {
MTIContextOptions.defaultTextureLoaderClass = MTITextureLoaderForiOS9WithImageOrientationFix.class;
Color Matrix
Color Lookup
Uses an color lookup table to remap the colors in an image.
Color Invert
Adjusts the saturation of an image while keeping pleasing skin tones.
RGB Tone Curve
Blend Modes
- Normal
- Multiply
- Overlay
- Screen
- Hard Light
- Soft Light
- Darken
- Lighten
- Color Dodge
- Add (Linear Dodge)
- Color Burn
- Linear Burn
- Lighter Color
- Darker Color
- Vivid Light
- Linear Light
- Pin Light
- Hard Mix
- Difference
- Exclusion
- Subtract
- Divide
- Hue
- Saturation
- Color
- Luminosity
- ColorLookup512x512
Blend with Mask
Multilayer Composite
MPS Convolution
MPS Gaussian Blur
MPS Definition
MPS Sobel
MPS Unsharp Mask
MPS Box Blur
Bulge Distortion
Chroma Key Blend
Color Halftone
Dot Screen
let imageFromCGImage = MTIImage(cgImage: cgImage, options: [.SRGB: false])
let imageFromCIImage = MTIImage(ciImage: ciImage)
let imageFromCoreVideoPixelBuffer = MTIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer, alphaType: .alphaIsOne)
let imageFromContentsOfURL = MTIImage(contentsOf: url, options: [.SRGB: false])
// unpremultiply alpha if needed
let unpremultipliedAlphaImage = image.unpremultiplyingAlpha()
let inputImage = ...
let filter = MTISaturationFilter()
filter.saturation = 0
filter.inputImage = inputImage
let outputImage = filter.outputImage
let options = MTIContextOptions()
guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(), let context = try? MTIContext(device: device, options: options) else {
let image: MTIImage = ...
do {
try context.render(image, to: pixelBuffer)
//context.makeCIImage(from: image)
//context.makeCGImage(from: image)
} catch {
If you do a Quick Look on a MTIImage
, it'll show you the image graph that you constructed to produce that image.
Reuse a
whenever possible.Contexts are heavyweight objects, so if you do create one, do so as early as possible, and reuse it each time you need to render an image.
when you do not want to preserve the render result of a image, for example when the image is just an intermediate result in a filter chain, so the underlying texture of the render result can be reused. It is the most memory efficient option. However, when you ask the context to render a previously rendered image, it may re-render that image since its underlying texture has been reused.By default, a filter's output image has the
when you want to prevent the underlying texture from being reused.By default, images created from external sources have the
policy. -
Understand that
is a compute property.Each time you ask a filter for its output image, the filter may give you a new output image object even if the inputs are identical with the previous call. So reuse output images whenever possible.
For example,
// ╭→ filterB // filterA ─┤ // ╰→ filterC // // filterB and filterC use filterA's output as their input.
In this situation, the following solution:
let filterOutputImage = filterA.outputImage filterB.inputImage = filterOutputImage filterC.inputImage = filterOutputImage
is better than:
filterB.inputImage = filterA.outputImage filterC.inputImage = filterA.outputImage
If you want to include the MTIShaderLib.h
in your .metal
file, you need to add the path of MTIShaderLib.h
file to the Metal Compiler - Header Search Paths
) setting.
For example, if you use CocoaPods you can set the MTL_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
to ${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/MetalPetal/MetalPetal.framework/Headers
or ${PODS_ROOT}/MetalPetal/Frameworks/MetalPetal/Shaders
MetalPetal has a built-in mechanism to encode shader function arguments for you. You can pass the shader function arguments as name: value
dictionaries to the MTIRenderPipelineKernel.apply(toInputImages:parameters:outputDescriptors:)
, MTIRenderCommand(kernel:geometry:images:parameters:)
, etc.
For example, the parameter dictionary for the metal function vibranceAdjust
can be:
// Swift
let amount: Float = 1.0
let vibranceVector = float4(1, 1, 1, 1)
let parameters = ["amount": amount,
"vibranceVector": MTIVector(value: vibranceVector),
"avoidsSaturatingSkinTones": true,
"grayColorTransform": MTIVector(value: float3(0,0,0))]
// vibranceAdjust metal function
fragment float4 vibranceAdjust(...,
constant float & amount [[ buffer(0) ]],
constant float4 & vibranceVector [[ buffer(1) ]],
constant bool & avoidsSaturatingSkinTones [[ buffer(2) ]],
constant float3 & grayColorTransform [[ buffer(3) ]])
The shader function argument types and the coorresponding types to use in a parameter dictionary is listed below.
Shader Function Argument Type | Swift | Objective-C |
float | Float | float |
int | Int32 | int |
uint | UInt32 | uint |
bool | Bool | bool |
simd (float2,float4,float4x4,int4, etc.) | MTIVector | MTIVector |
struct | Data / MTIDataBuffer | NSData / MTIDataBuffer |
other (float *, struct *, etc.) immutable | Data / MTIDataBuffer | NSData / MTIDataBuffer |
other (float *, struct *, etc.) mutable | MTIDataBuffer | MTIDataBuffer |
To build a custom unary filter, you can subclass MTIUnaryImageRenderingFilter
and override the methods in the SubclassingHooks
category. Examples: MTIPixellateFilter
, MTIVibranceFilter
, MTIUnpremultiplyAlphaFilter
, MTIPremultiplyAlphaFilter
, etc.
@interface MTIPixellateFilter : MTIUnaryImageRenderingFilter
@property (nonatomic) float fractionalWidthOfAPixel;
@implementation MTIPixellateFilter
- (instancetype)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_fractionalWidthOfAPixel = 0.05;
return self;
+ (MTIFunctionDescriptor *)fragmentFunctionDescriptor {
return [[MTIFunctionDescriptor alloc] initWithName:@"pixellateEffect" libraryURL:[bundle URLForResource:@"default" withExtension:@"metallib"]];
- (NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)parameters {
return @{@"fractionalWidthOfAPixel": @(self.fractionalWidthOfAPixel)};
class MTIPixellateFilter: MTIUnaryImageRenderingFilter {
var fractionalWidthOfAPixel: Float = 0.05
override var parameters: [String : Any] {
return ["fractionalWidthOfAPixel": fractionalWidthOfAPixel]
override class func fragmentFunctionDescriptor() -> MTIFunctionDescriptor {
return MTIFunctionDescriptor(name: "pixellateEffect", libraryURL: MTIDefaultLibraryURLForBundle(Bundle.main))
To build more complex filters, all you need to do is create a kernel (MTIRenderPipelineKernel
), then apply the kernel to the input image(s). Examples: MTIChromaKeyBlendFilter
, MTIBlendWithMaskFilter
, MTIColorLookupFilter
, etc.
@interface MTIChromaKeyBlendFilter : NSObject <MTIFilter>
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) MTIImage *inputImage;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) MTIImage *inputBackgroundImage;
@property (nonatomic) float thresholdSensitivity;
@property (nonatomic) float smoothing;
@property (nonatomic) MTIColor color;
@implementation MTIChromaKeyBlendFilter
@synthesize outputPixelFormat = _outputPixelFormat;
+ (MTIRenderPipelineKernel *)kernel {
static MTIRenderPipelineKernel *kernel;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
kernel = [[MTIRenderPipelineKernel alloc] initWithVertexFunctionDescriptor:[[MTIFunctionDescriptor alloc] initWithName:MTIFilterPassthroughVertexFunctionName] fragmentFunctionDescriptor:[[MTIFunctionDescriptor alloc] initWithName:@"chromaKeyBlend"]];
return kernel;
- (instancetype)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_thresholdSensitivity = 0.4;
_smoothing = 0.1;
_color = MTIColorMake(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return self;
- (MTIImage *)outputImage {
if (!self.inputImage || !self.inputBackgroundImage) {
return nil;
return [self.class.kernel applyToInputImages:@[self.inputImage, self.inputBackgroundImage]
parameters:@{@"color": [MTIVector vectorWithFloat4:(simd_float4){,,,self.color.alpha}],
@"thresholdSensitivity": @(self.thresholdSensitivity),
@"smoothing": @(self.smoothing)}
You can use MTIRenderCommand
to issue multiple draw calls in one render pass.
// Create a draw call with kernelA, geometryA, and imageA.
let renderCommandA = MTIRenderCommand(kernel: self.kernelA, geometry: self.geometryA, images: [imageA], parameters: [:])
// Create a draw call with kernelB, geometryB, and imageB.
let renderCommandB = MTIRenderCommand(kernel: self.kernelB, geometry: self.geometryB, images: [imageB], parameters: [:])
// Create an output descriptor
let outputDescriptor = MTIRenderPassOutputDescriptor(dimensions: MTITextureDimensions(width: outputWidth, height: outputHeight, depth: 1), pixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm, loadAction: .clear, storeAction: .store)
// Get the output images, the output image count is equal to the output descriptor count.
let images = MTIRenderCommand.images(byPerforming: [renderCommandA, renderCommandB], outputDescriptors: [outputDescriptor])
You can also create multiple output descriptors to output multiple images in one render pass (MRT, See
When MTIVertex
cannot fit your needs, you can implement the MTIGeometry
protocol to provide your custom vertex data to the command encoder.
Use the MTIRenderCommand
API to issue draw calls and pass your custom MTIGeometry
In rare scenarios, you may want to access the underlying texture directly, use multiple MPS kernels in one render pass, do 3D rendering, or encode the render commands yourself.
protocol provides direct access to the underlying texture and the render context for a step in MetalPetal.
You can create new input sources or fully custom processing unit by implementing MTIImagePromise
protocol. You will need to import an additional module to do so. For Swift: import MetalPetal.Extension
, Objective-C: @import MetalPetal.Extension;
See the implementation of MTIComputePipelineKernel
or MTIImage
for example.
You can use CocoaPods to install the lastest version.
pod 'MetalPetal'
# Swift extensions (optional).
pod 'MetalPetal/Swift'
We also provide a script to generate dynamic .framework
s for you. You need to first install CocoaPods/Rome, then run Rome/
MetalPetal can run on Simulator with Xcode 11+ and macOS 10.15+.
is not available on Simulator, so filters relies on MetalPerformanceShaders
, such as MTIMPSGaussianBlurFilter
, do not work.
Simulator supports fewer features or different implementation limits than an actual Apple GPU. See Developing Metal Apps that Run in Simulator for detail.
Thank you for considering contributing to MetalPetal. Please read our Contributing Guidelines.
MetalPetal is MIT-licensed. LICENSE
The files in the /MetalPetalDemo
directory are licensed under a separate license.
Documentation is licensed CC-BY-4.0.