A plugin for uploading image in Quill π
- π upload a image when it is inserted, and then replace the base64-url with a http-url
- π preview the image which is uploading with a loading animation
- π when the image is uploading, we can keep editing the content including changing the image's position or even delete the image.
npm install quill-plugin-image-upload --save
import Quill from 'quill';
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
import imageUpload from 'quill-plugin-image-upload';
// register quill-plugin-image-upload
Quill.register('modules/imageUpload', imageUpload);
new Quill('#editor', {
theme: 'snow',
modules: {
toolbar: [
imageUpload: {
upload: file => {
// return a Promise that resolves in a link to the uploaded image
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ajax().then(data => resolve(data.imageUrl));
cd demo
npm install
npm start