Based on httprouter
- Have a more concise way to write API. Can automatic binding query/form/body data and serialization writes to the response body.
- Built-in websocket, server-sent events (SSE), file server.
- Group APIs. Custom root-level, group-level, function-level middleware.
- Highly customizable. Custom error, request and response handle functions.
- No dependencies on too many third-party packages. Architecture is simple.
- Support TLS and HTTP2.
Simple example of API handle
// automatic binding query/form/body data and serialization writes to the response body
func helloAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, request HelloRequest) (*HelloResponse, error) {
// print the request data
fmt.Println("request data ->", request)
// return result and error. framework will help you write the response
return &HelloResponse{Code: 1000, Msg: "hello"}, nil
- Specify new version
go get
package main
import (
// basic usage example
func main() {
// create a router and set middleware
router := easierweb.New().Use(middlewares.Logger())
// set api handle
router.GET("/hello/:name", hello)
// runs on port 80
// api handle
func hello(ctx *easierweb.Context) {
// get the path parameters
name := ctx.Path.Get("name")
// Write response, return 'hello ' + 'name'
ctx.WriteString(http.StatusOK, "hello "+name)
hello easierweb
package main
import (
// easier usage example
func main() {
// create a router and set middleware
router := easierweb.New().Use(middlewares.Logger())
// set api handle (use function 'EasyXXX')
router.EasyPOST("/submit", submit)
// runs on port 80
// api handle
func submit(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request) *Response {
// print the request data
fmt.Printf("post request data (json body) -> name: %s, mobile: %s \n", req.Name, req.Mobile)
// return result
return &Response{Code: 1000, Msg: "hello"}
// Request json body data
type Request struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Mobile string `json:"mobile"`
// Response json result data
type Response struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
"name": "hello",
"mobile": "12345678"
"code": 1000,
"msg": "hello"
- If you want to use 'EasyXXX' series functions. The api handle function must be in the following formats.
// first input parameter must be Context
// request struct and response struct can be slices ([]Request/*[]Response)
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request) (*Response, error)
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request) *Response
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request) error
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request)
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context) (*Response, error)
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context) *Response
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context) error
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context)
// set TestAPI handle
router.EasyPOST("/test", TestAPI)
- Framework default use json format to process request and response data.
- If you want to change the format. You can use the plugins provided by the framework as described below. Or you can implement them by yourself.
// use xml format to process request and response data
router := easierweb.New(easierweb.RouterOptions{
RequestHandle: plugins.XMLRequestHandle(),
ResponseHandle: plugins.XMLResponseHandle(),
- The 'EasyXXX' series functions are compatible with basic usage. You can use the 'WriteXXX' series functions to write response.
func TestAPI(ctx *easierweb.Context, req Request) {
fmt.Println("request body ->", req)
// write xml response
ctx.WriteXML(http.StatusOK, Response{Code: 1000, Msg: "hello"})
// set TestAPI handle
router.EasyPOST("/test", TestAPI)
- demos
- basic
basic usage demo(includes websocket, SSE, upload and download file)
- main.go
- easier
easier usage demo
- main.go
- restful
restful application demo
- main.go
- customize
customize framework configuration demo
- main.go
- basic