Project general requirements are
This repo comes with a full LAMP server used for development.
You can use your own development server [setup](#local), but the provided Vagrant server setup is recommended since it
matches the production server's setup.
- Vagrant 1.9.4 on Win7+ skip 1.9.5 because of bug.
- Virtualbox latest or some other Vagrant provider
- Optional: NFS share is activated by default for better performance and must me installed on host machine
1. Map `symfony-blog-demo.loc` domain to local server's IP `` using your systems `hosts` file
2. Clone this repo: `git clone`
3. Run `vagrant up` from project root (symfony-blog-demo) to get the provided Vagrant server up & running
vagrant up
- start servervagrant halt
- stop servervagrant ssh
- SSH into server
- Virtual Box Guest Additions 5.1.18
- Apache httpd 2.4.6
- MySQL 5.7.18
- PHP 7.2
- SSH port is 2222
- The password of ROOT is: password
- The password of vagrant is: vagrant
- The password of ROOT for MySQL is: password
1. Clone this repo: `git clone`
2. Move into newly created directory: `cd symfony-blog-demo/`
3. Install dependencies using [Composer]( `composer install`
4. Create an Apache VirtualHost and `ServerName symfony-blog-demo.loc:8080` and `DocumentRoot` pointing to [`web/`](web/)
5. Adjust your `hosts` file accordingly
After cloning the repo and installing Composer dependencies, initialize the app:
1. Create database symfony_blog
2. Copy parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml and change values for your env
3. php bin/console ckeditor:install
4. php bin/console assets:install web
5. php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
6. php bin/console fos:user:create admin password --super-admin
7. php bin/console assetic:dump
Your web app is now available:
* Frontend: http://symfony-blog-demo.loc:8080/
* Backend: http://symfony-blog-demo.loc:8080/admin
* Api:
** http://symfony-blog-demo.loc:8080/api/blogs
** http://symfony-blog-demo.loc:8080/api/blogs/{id}
Admin account: admin/password