This is fibsequence application which has following parts involved. This is a sample application created to demonstrate the multi container kubernetes.
Client is frontend application to display the fibsequences generated and form to generate new fib sequence for respective integer
Server is the backend application to calculate/store/cache/pull the fibsequence
Worker is a consumer application to calculate the fib sequence
Redis is used to cache the fib sequeunce and used as a message queue
Postgres is used to store the generated fib sequence
- Deployment
- ClusterIP
- Ingress
- PersistenetVolumeClaim
- Create Github repo
- Create travis config file
- Tie repo to Travis CI(Or Junkin, CircleCI)
- Create Google Cloud Project(Or AWS, Azur)
- Add deployment scripts to the repo
Skaffold watch our local project directory for changes and push that change in kubernetes cluster. We have two options to do that.