by Damodar Periwal
The following user stories have been completed:
- User can scroll through current popular photos from Instagram
- For each photo displayed, user can see the following details: Graphic, Caption, Username (Optional) relative timestamp, like count, user profile image, location
The following advanced optional user stories have been completed:
- Advanced: Add pull-to-refresh for popular stream with SwipeRefreshLayout
- Show the profile picture in a circular area (works on a device but not on the emulator)
- Show comments count and maximum of two comments
Issue: pull-to-refresh works properly in an AVD with API level 16 but hasmemory problems in an AVD with API level 19.
Third-party libraries: The following third party libraries are used in this project under their respective licenses:
Used Iconmonstr to create icons for watch and a heart sign.
Walkthrough of all user stories:
The file DamodarInstagramViewer1.gif shows the working of an earlier version of the app in an emulator.
GIF created with LiceCap.