Deprecated - instead use which is what this repo does, but way better
The two commands (currently) to knit the book are
which will copy the directory at the same level with the name _temp_<dir>
and then edits all rmd files in YAML to have:
variant: markdown_github
renders each to markdown. After the markdown is rendered, the book is created in the _book directory in the newly created directory.
For example, a project with a folder sample_proj
containing the Rmd files would be rendered as such:
Note the requirement for the trailing backslash for the dir (for now)
dir <- "sample_proj/"
book_dir <- prepare_book_dir(dir)
Then in the created directory from the command line (with gitbook installed in your path via node)
gitbook install
gitbook build
Will eventually move these to system calls but R isn't playing nice with my node path on windows for now.
how to move/cache a book so it doesn't get re-rendered completely every time, but also doesn't pollute with a _temp file
diplaying code output - either show/hide in css or remove via echo = F in knitr directly
programmatically creating/assisting with table of contents for all rmd files
- creating pdf/.epub/etc, only html has been checked
- only basic injection/directory tests, so still a little bit of wild west for more complex folder structures
node/iojs are required to use gitbook, and can be installed globally from npm with:
npm install -g gitbook