This is a small Python library that provides tools for performing Bayesian data analysis on the results of running algorithms.
For now, cmpbayes provides two models:
builds and samples a Bayesian model that can be used to compare multiple algorithms that were run on multiple problem instances. The model is based on the Plackett-Luce model as described by the 2018 article by Calvo et al., Bayesian Inference for Algorithm Ranking Analysis. See also the corresponding R package by that article's authors. -
builds and samples a Bayesian model that can be used to make statistical statements about the difference between two algorithms when run multiple times independently on a task. It is based on the model described in the 2013 article by Kruschke, Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the t Test.Note that this model assumes that the data points for each algorithm are be i.i.d. This entails that the model does not take into account the correlation induced by cross-validation or similar methods.
builds and samples a Bayesian model that can be used to make statistical statements about the difference between two algorithms when each of those is evaluated using cross validation. It is based on the model described in the 2015 article by Corani and Benavoli, A Bayesian approach for comparing cross-validated algorithms on multiple data sets (in that publication it's called the Bayesian t test for correlated observations model equation (8)). -
builds and samples a Bayesian model that can be used to make statistical statements about the difference between two algorithms when run multiple times independently on a task. Other thanKruschke
, the units (i.e. the measurements) for each algorithm are assumed to be- distributed bimodally
- non-negative
The model uses a simple mixture consisting of two Gamma distributions. For the exact specifications (e.g. priors etc.), see the corresponding Stan file.
The model was originally created to model and compare the running times of algorithms where a small subset of the runs was considerably faster than the large majority.
Note that this model assumes that the data points for each algorithm are be i.i.d. This entails that the model does not take into account the correlation induced by cross-validation or similar methods.
It is strongly recommended to read about the models and their assumptions in the respective papers before using them for making decisions.
Using this library can be as simple as
import cmpbayes
model = Calvo(metrics).fit()
We recommend to analyse the result using the arviz library, e.g.
azd = az.from_pystan(
log_likelihood={"weights": "loglik"},
az.plot_forest(azd, var_names=["~loglik", "~rest"])
Rudimentary usage and analysis examples can be found by running the
(however, make sure to read the docstrings of the
methods of the models before using them as they are for making
After cloning the repository, you can enter a development environment by running
nix develop
and then run the examples by doing
python scripts/
This repository is a Nix Flake, which means that you can add it rather
straightforwardly to your project's flake.nix
inputs.cmpbayes = "github:dpaetzel/cmpbayes";
outputs = { β¦, cmpbayes } : {
propagatedBuildInputs = [
Alternatively, you should be able to install the package via pip like so:
pip install git+
However, this is not tested so far and since we're precompiling Stan models, this may not work out of the box. Please open an issue if this is the case for you.
See the baycomp library for comparing
- two algorithms on a single data set using a different Bayesian model than Kruschke
- two algorithms across multiple data sets using a Bayesian model (taking into account the correlation induced by cross-validation).