Public repo to share zenoss tools and examples Example ZenPython Device Level Daemon Plugin using snmp -> export events cleanly into csv format:
exports events into csv format cleanly...with some options
WARNING: careful, you can fill up your drives, CSVs can be huge
example usage:
1. evexporter --csv
exports all events in event status table to datetime stamped csv file
2. evexporter --csv --device MYDEVICE
exports all events in event status table for device id MYDEVICE
3. evexporter --screen --severity 4,5 --archive
export all error and critical messages from the event archive
4. evexporter --csv -f myfile --first_time 2014-05-15=12:00:35,2014-05-17=13:00:50
export all events from status where first time is between 12:00 on 5/15 and 13:00 on 5/17
5. evexporter --screen --unixtimestamps
exports to screen but uses unix time stamps instead of iso time format(more precision)
6. evexporter --archive --csv --first_time 2014-04-15:12:00:00
export events from archive where first seen is from date/time specified to now
Checks some things that **could indicate issues with your transforms/mappings. For sure not everyting
printed is an issue but when you have alot of transforms mappings I find it useful to periodically check this.
usage: ./
removes maintenance windows from dmd that where scheduled but will never run again.
just run the tool as the zenoss user..
usage: as zenoss user: ./
removes old jobs that have finished in zenoss, its currently hard codes to delete jobs > 95 days old
usage: as zenoss user: ./
dependency: uses, can easily be changed to just use pprint
can be found at
prints a list of devices that have locally overriden modeler plugins
usage: as zenoss user: ./