Please note that the H54-200-S500-R is no longer sold. For interface with the next closest motor,
the ph54-200-s500-r, the registers located in
must be updated accordingly
Help on package switcher:
dynamixel_sdk (package)
class dxlS500R(builtins.object)
| dxlS500R(PORT='/dev/ttyUSB0', DXL_ID=1, BAUDRATE=57600, VERBOSE=False)
| Device interface with the Dynamixel Pro h54-200-s500-r
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, PORT='/dev/ttyUSB0', DXL_ID=1, BAUDRATE=57600, VERBOSE=False)
| PORT expects some /dev/ttyUSB*
| DXL_ID can be determined with /tests/ Factory default is 1
| BAUDRATE is set to factory default
| If VERBOSE is True, prints out status updates
| checkCommStatus(self, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error)
| Takes output status from packet handler and interprets it.
| Raises error if unsuccessful
| close(self, disengage_motor=False)
| Disengages motor and closes communication port
| disable_torque(self)
| Disengages the motor
| enable_torque(self)
| Enables torque on motor
| get_control_mode(self)
| Returns the control mode that the motor is operating in
| get_current_position(self, IN_TICS=False)
| Returns current position [degrees] (default) or in [tics]. Note: Never returns a negative value
| get_current_velocity(self)
| Returns current velocity [deg/sec] (This is "Before reduction gears" whatever that means)
| get_goal_torque(self)
| set goal torque on motor
| get_goal_velocity(self)
| Returns goal velocity [deg/sec] (This is "Before reduction gears" whatever that means)
| get_id(self)
| Returns ID of connected motor
| is_moving(self)
| Returns 1 if motor is in motion
| one_way_turn_to(self, pos, IN_TICS=False)
| Forces the switcher to turn in the positive direction only to reach a new position
| ping(self)
| Pings communication port and retrieves model number
| pprint(self, msg)
| Prints motor status updates if VERBOSE = True
| reboot(self)
| Reboots motor. Dynamixel LED will flicker
| set_control_mode(self, mode)
| Set to "TorqueControl", "VelocityControl", "PositionControl" (default), or "ExtendedPositionControl" (multi-turn enabled) mode
| set_goal_torque(self, goal_torque)
| set goal torque on motor
| set_id(self, newID)
| Sets ID of connected motor to a value
| set_position(self, pos, IN_TICS=False)
| Sets current position in [degrees] (default) or in [tics]
| set_velocity(self, deg_per_sec)
| Sets goal velocity [deg/sec] (This is "Before reduction gears" whatever that means)
| Note that a value of 0 [default] sets velocity to the max
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
__all__ = ['dxlS500R']