EF Core 6.0
EF Core 6.0 GA is now available from NuGet.
See What's New in EF Core 6.0 for a detailed look at all the new features in EF Core 6.0. In summary, the following new features are included in EF Core 6.0:
- Allow defining column order via [ColumnAttribute.Order] when creating tables
- SQL Server temporal tables
- Migrations Bundles
- Cosmos: Add basic support for collections and dictionaries of primitive types
- Cosmos: Add translators for member/methods which map to built-in functions
- Cosmos: Distinct operator in queries
- Cosmos: Diagnostic events including statistics (query cost, activity id)
- Cosmos: API to configure throughput
- Cosmos: Configure TTL per entity/entity type/container
- Cosmos: FromSql support
- Cosmos: Resolve HttpClientFactory from DI if available
- Cosmos: Azure Cosmos DB provider should default to implicit ownership
- Detect simple join tables in reverse engineering and create many-to-many relationships
- Translate GroupBy followed by FirstOrDefault over group
- Support ability to select top N of each group
- Remove unnecessary last column in ORDER BY when joining for collection
- Add IColumnModification and IModificationCommand to allow the implementations to be replaced easily
- Non-constant property name in EF.Property (and indexer property)
- Make the non-thread-safety of DbContext more visible
- Store options in ServiceProviderCache
- Adopt MIT license
- Warn when uniquifying an FK column name
- Preserve DeleteBehavior when scaffolding a database created by EF Core
- Add overloads of UsingEntity() that take advantage of conventions
- Log provider version in addition to EF Core version
- Indicate where SQL comes from (SaveChanges, LINQ query, etc.) in IDbCommandInterceptor
- Register a scoped DbContext automatically when using AddDbContextFactory
- Add extension methods to enable simpler adding and configuration of EF Core providers
- Simplify HasConversion API
- Support Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan in SetCommandTimeout
- Support suspending/bypassing the configured DbContext's IExecutionStrategy
- Support 64-bit Identity seed values
- Warn when saving an optional dependent with all null properties when table splitting
- Remove existing schema when HasSchema(null) is called
- Add equivalent of IRelationalDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure to in-memory provider
- Make HasDbFunction on function override implicit ToTable mapping
- Make IScaffoldingModelFactory public
- Uniquify and validate Check Constraint name
- Translate MathF members to SQL functions on SQLite
- Pre-convention model configuration
- Mechanism/API to specify a default conversion for any property of a given type in the model
- Support Ignore() for non entity type candidates
- Reduce EF Core application startup time via compiled models
- Add TagWith overload that gets the filename and line number automatically
- Translate bool ToString for SQL Server
- Scaffold from a database and generate C# 8 nullable reference types
- Translate Substring with single parameter
- Support split queries for projections containing non-navigation collections
- Improve EF Core performance on TechEmpower Fortunes
- Support empty constructor and DbContextOptions constructor in DbContextFactory
- Make DbContext pooling accessible to non-DI applications
- Increase the default maximum context pool size to 1024
- Improvements to optional dependents sharing table with principal
- Detection of trailing underscores when matching backing fields to properties
- Performance gain by recycling relational and ADO.NET objects in query execution
- Allow explicit temporary values to be stored in entity instances
- Default options added to all ToDebugString methods
- Improved logging of array parameter values
- Preserve synchronization context in SaveChangesAsync
- Translate String.Concat with multiple arguments
- Smoother integration with System.Linq.Async
- More flexible free-text search
- UnicodeAttribute
- PrecisionAttribute
- EntityTypeConfigurationAttribute
- Translate ToString on SQLite
- EF.Functions.Random
- Support for SQL Server sparse columns
- In-memory database: validate required properties are not null
- Improved SQL Server translation for IsNullOrWhitespace
- Database comments are scaffolded to code comments
And for Microsoft.Data.Sqlite:
- Support the new BCL DateOnly and TimeOnly structs for SQLite
- Fall back to case-insensitive matches for
- Add Span overloads to SqliteBlob
- Pool Connections
See GitHub for all issues fixed in EF Core 6.0 and the Git release tag.