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This WebSharper Extension provides WebSharper bindings to the Google Visualization library, version 2013.08.27, that provides rich, interactive charts and other data visualizations that run in the browser. It supports many common chart type sincluding image and interactive charts, maps, and data tables. The complete list of examples can be found at the Google Chart Tools Gallery.

The visualizations run in all modern JavaScript-enabled browsers. Some of the visualizations may require Adobe® Flash® Player for rendering.

With the Google Visualization WebSharper Extensions you can develop WebSharper applications that use the Google Visualization API using nothing but F# code.



All the visualizations use the same interface for representing data. Data is represented by either the DataTable object or the DataView object.

The following example creates a simple DataTable with 3 columns and 3 records:

let MyData =
    let data = new Base.DataTable()
    data.addColumn(StringType, "Name") |> ignore
    data.addColumn(NumberType, "Height") |> ignore
    data.addColumn(BooleanType, "Smokes") |> ignore
    data.setCell(0., 0., "Tong Ning mu") |> ignore
    data.setCell(1., 0., "Huang Ang fa") |> ignore
    data.setCell(2., 0., "Teng nu") |> ignore
    data.setCell(0., 1., 174.) |> ignore
    data.setCell(1., 1., 523.) |> ignore
    data.setCell(2., 1., 86.) |> ignore
    data.setCell(0., 2., true) |> ignore
    data.setCell(1., 2., false) |> ignore
    data.setCell(2., 2., true) |> ignore

First, you add the columns (lines 4-6). Every column is defined by a type and an optional label. The addColumn method returns a number indicating the amount of columns in the DataTable, and has to be piped to ignore.

Having the schema defined you proceed to add the rows. For this, you first call the addRows with the number of items you expect to add to the DataTable. Then you set every item using the setCell method.

Another way to build data is the addRows method.

let OtherData =
    let data = new Base.DataTable()
    data.addColumn(DateType, "Date") |> ignore
    data.addColumn(NumberType, "Sales") |> ignore
    data.addColumn(NumberType, "Expenses") |> ignore
    data.addRows [|
      (new Date(2004, 0, 1), 1000, 300)
      (new Date(2005, 0, 1), 1150, 450)
      (new Date(2006, 0, 1), 650, 1120)
      (new Date(2007, 0, 1), 1020, 550)
    |> ignore

Each tuple corresponds to a row in the DataTable.

In case you need to provide more information about individual values, such as formatting information or custom properties, you can use arrays of Base.Cell objects instead of tuples of values.


Once you have filled your DataTable, visualizing it is as simple as:

  • creating the type of visualization you want, passing the HTML element into which you want to render it.
  • calling the draw method on it with your data and any potential rendering options.

For example, to view the above OtherData using a line chart, use the following:

let MyLineChart =
    let visualization = new LineChart(container.Body)
            width = 400,
            height = 240,
            legend = Legend(position = LegendPosition.Top),
            title = "Company Performance"))

Line Chart

And for a table, just change the type of the visualization object:

let MyTable =
    let visualization = new Table(container.Body)
            width = 400,
            height = 240,
            legend = Legend(position = LegendPosition.Top),
            title = "Company Performance"))


DataView allows you to manipulate a DataTable to provide multiple views of the data. The following example demonstrates its use.

Let's take MyData from the first example. When visualized using Table, this DataTable will look like this:


The following code creates 10 different DataView objects based on MyData:

let Views =
    let views = 
            for i in 1..10  ->
                new DataView(TableData)

You now can hide and show columns by column index:

views.[1].hideColumns [|1; 2|]
views.[2].hideRows [|0; 2|]

The result looks like this:


Another useful method allows you to select and order a subset of the columns and rows.

views.[3].setColumns [|1; 1|]
views.[4].setRows [|0; 2|]



The set methods can be used together with the getSortedRows. This method returns an array of indices that correspond to a sort criteria. There are 2 methods supported. The first allows you to specify the column you want to sort by.

let simpleOrder = views.[5].getSortedRows(1)
views.[5].setRows simpleOrder

The second allows you to add an array of sorting criteria, being the first the most important. This method receives a boolean to select if the sorting should be done in ascending or descending order.

let complexOrder =
    let by i b = SortType.By(i, b)
    views.[6].getSortedRows([| by 2 false; by 0 true|])
views.[6].setRows complexOrder



The setColumns method is overloaded to add calculated columns. A simple example is the following:

let c1 = Column.Float((fun _ -> 5.), "Five")
views.[7].setColumns [| c1 |]

The function receives the current row of the column and the DataTable object. With these capabilities it is easy to create an accumulated column of the values in column 1.

let accum = 
        (fun (t, r) ->
            seq {
                for i in 0..(int r) -> 
                    As<float> (t.getValue(i, 1))
            |> Seq.sum),
let idx = Column.Index
views.[8].setColumns [| idx 0; idx 1; idx 2; accum |]

The result is the following:



Motion Charts

Intensity Maps

Geo Maps with Data

Custom Geo Maps

Line Graphs

Bar Charts


Area Charts

Interactive Timelines

Simple Grids


WebSharper support for using Google Visualization Library







No packages published
