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Information for Administrators

Dan Smith edited this page May 27, 2023 · 24 revisions

This page is for the person tasked with managing user access to the app.

You will need

A. Provide access to another Administrator

1. Share the project's GCP IAM ADMIN

This will give the added person permission to add Test users to the project (during development).

  1. Open the SPREADSHEET
  2. Open GCC Help > Manage Project Permissions in IAM Admin
  3. Grant Access
  4. Add principal > Enter user's email
  5. Select a role > Editor > Save

B. Provide access to a User (of the mobile app or the spreadsheet)

1. Grant edit access to the SPREADSHEET

  1. Open the SPREADSHEET
  2. Share > Add people and groups > [Enter email] > Editor


  • The app reads and writes organisational data, therefore users require permission to edit the spreadsheet in order to access the app.
  • If the spreadsheet is not shared, the user may still be able to view it, but they will not see the drop-down menus or the GCC Help menu item, and the app will not be able to write to it.

2. Share the STABLE APP

2a. Future (when the app is published)

Usually, anyone with the link to the STABLE APP can automatically access the deployed version of the app, and no further action is required.

2b. Now (during development)

However - during development, the app has a status of testing rather than in production. While in testing, only Test users may access the app.

Add a Test user:

Part of setting up a GCP project (for use with Clasp) is selecting a User Type:

Internal: Only available to users within your organisation. You will not need to submit your app for verification.

External: Available to any test user with a Google Account. Your app will start in testing mode and will only be available to users you add to the list of test users. Once your app is ready to push to production, you may need to verify your app.

During development, the app has a status of testing rather than in production. If you use the External user type then only test users may access the app while it is in testing.

Add a test user:

  2. GCC Help > Users > Manage Test Users in OAUTH Admin
  3. OAuth user cap > Test users > + ADD USERS
  4. This user is now allowed to access the STABLE version. The DEV version will show a prompt to 'Request access'.

3. Share the DEV APP (optional)

If a user needs to be able to test new and undeployed app code, they will need access to the DEV APP.

  2. Share this project with others > Add people and groups > [Enter email] > Viewer.

C. Provide access to a developer

1. Share the APPS SCRIPT PROJECT with a developer

If a developer needs access to the Deploy menu, or to be able to add other Editors:

  2. Share this project with others > Add people and groups > [Enter email] > Editor.