A wordefull GraphQL API to get any data from Hirez Paladins API.
Access https://paladins-graphql-api.dotenorio1.now.sh/ to see online demo.
Remember: You can send sessionId
as parameter or as header with the key X-Session-Id
, do as you want.
Please clone this repository and install dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/dotenorio/paladins-graphql-api.git
$ cd paladins-graphql-api
$ yarn
Configure the environment variables:
- Open the file .env.example in any editor
- Change value of parameters
- Save as .env
IMPORTANT: if you don't have a api access, you can request here!
After this, start the dev enviroment:
$ yarn dev
Now, open the link http://localhost:4000/ in the browser and voìla. You can do queries, see schema and the documentation.
- ping
- createSession
- testSession
- getUser
- getHirezServerStatus
- getDataUsed
- getDemoDetails
- getEsportsProLeagueDetails
- getFriends
- getChampionRanks
- Other methods in progress...
If you use postman, you can use this: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/522977fed03462c851df