The most advanced Discord-Bot satisfying your competitive needs whilst playing Paladins!
Invite to your server here
A few of the things you can do with Squidly:
- Retrieve & display data directly from Hi-Rez
- Works with every Platform (Switch, Steam, Epic ...)
- Visualize opposing teams and showing their stats
- Show Level, Rank, Playtime and more rich information
Feel free to send us feedback on Twitter
or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.
Also feel free to submit a PR!
If there's anything you'd like to chat about, please feel free to join our Discord!
- To build and execute the jar Java 16 is recommended.
- Execute
gradlew build
to create the executable fat jar.
- You need Java 16 to run this application.
- The following parameters are needed to sucessfully start the application.
Heres what you need! |
Discord bot token |
Hi-rez developer ID |
Hi-rez authentication key |
To provide these to the application you can simply use the environment variables:
The following chart displays some of the possibilities to provide the parameters.
Parameter | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ |
bot token | ENV | ENV | ARG | FILE | ANY |
dev id | ENV | JSON | ENV | JSON | ARG |
auth key | ENV | JSON | ENV | JSON | ARG |
: The value stored in the appropriate environment variable.
: The value directly passed as an argument.
: The path to a file containing the value/s directly passed as an argument.
You can mix them up, but be careful to:
- Never seperate the dev id and the auth key
- always keep this order:
token - (dev id - auth key)
(You can remove either the token or the grouped part, if it is stored in environment variabels)
With ENV: java -jar Squidly.jar
With files: java -jar Squidly.jar /tokenfile /credentials.json
With args: java -jar Squidly.jar tokensample devid authkey
Sample json file:
"devID": "1111",