Looking at the Big Picture: SimpleAnimation
Our code provides an engine to access water quality imagery from Sentinel-3 and true color imagery from Sentinel-2 for any geographic region, and to create animations from these images. We also provide example analysis of water quality, traffic, shipping, and lockdown data accessible that were accessible through the Earth Observatory Dashboard.
A project walkthrough, including examples of our animations, can be found in our SimpleAnimation presentation.
All of our code is accessible via jupyter notebooks. You can also access the individual parts of our project in the folders, which include task-specific notebooks and some related data.
'IseBay_WaterQuality_Cars.ipynb': Takes user input dates and returns plots and summary statistics for water quality and car activity data from Ise Bay
'Ise_Bay_Nagoya_Graph.ipynb': Read in water quality and car data and create a bar chart showing their relation to lock down periods and chlorophyll-a concentrations
'rgb_image_sentinel2.ipynb': Download and save true-color (rgb) imagery data from Sentinel 2 over a specified date range for any geographic area
'WQ_Imagery_Sentinel3.ipynb': Download and save water quality imagery from Sentinel 3 over a specified date range for any geographic area
'animation.ipynb': Generate a gif from downloaded imagery files
'raster_avg.ipynb': Get the average value of tiff imagery files; note, this is a crude average that is not representative of the true values behind the imagery
Data csv files uploaded are originally from EO Dashboard
Nagoya, Activity Car Density change in Nagoya Port: https://eodashboard.org/?poi=JP03-E9&indicator=E9
Ise Bay Total Suspended Matter concentration anomaly (%): https://eodashboard.org/?indicator=N3b&poi=JP06-N3b
Ise Bay, Chl-a, Water Quality Time Series, Chlorophyll-a concentration anomaly: https://eodashboard.org/?indicator=N3b&poi=JP04-N3b
Sentinel-2 L1C. (n.d.). Sentinelhub. Retrieved June 30, 2021, from https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/data/sentinel-2-l1c/
Sentinel-3 OLCI L1B. (n.d.). Sentinelhub. Retrieved June 30, 2021, from https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/data/sentinel-3-olci-l1b/
COVID-19 Community Mobility Report. (n.d.). COVID-19 Community Mobility Report. Retrieved June 29, 2021, from https://www.google.com/covid19/mobility?hl=en