● Visual Studio Code 2019
● Dotnet Core 3.1
├── */Infrastructure/*
│ ├── */DataContext/*
│ ├── Database DbContext
│ ├── */Helper/*
│ ├── Project helper methods.
├── */Model/*
│ ├── Database table model
├── */Repositories/*
│ ├── */Interface/* Interface in C# is a blueprint of a class.
│ ├── Repository is a way to implement data access layer.
├── */Resources/*
│ ├── Resources.resx file map with this folder. Use for static files.
├── */Services/*
│ ├── */Interface/* Interface in C# is a blueprint of a class.
│ ├── Service layer contains business logic or some other implementation.
├── */ViewModel/*
│ ├── ViewModel is responsible for preparing and managing the data for an Activity.
│ ├── *Program.cs* Main Program