This repository contains OpenFrameworks project with cmake file included.
OpenFrameworks can be compiled as a library using CMake build files.
The install command will install static and shared libraries into configured prefix.
A pkconfig file will be installed to ease further openFrameworks developments (pkgconfig openFrameworks --libs --cflags)
Note: PKG_CONFIG_PATH may be updated to the path you choose to install openFrameworks.pc file. By default openFrameworks will be installed in '/usr/local' prefix and openFrameworks.pc will be installed in '/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/' directory. Then you may add the following line in your '~/.profile' or '~/.bashrc'
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
Works under linux, Mac OSX.
Edit cmake/OpenFrameworksConfig.cmake to adjust search path for includes and libraries
cd libs/openFrameworks
If you want to change options, use cmake-gui or define options directly with -D options with cmake command.
cmake-gui . # check options, modify
Or you can directly genrate Makefile, codeblocks project, Eclipse project, XCode Project:
cmake -G<GeneratorName> .
By default under linux Makefile is generated
cmake . make
Install openFrameworks library:
make install
For example, to build advancedGraphicExample:
cd apps/example/advancedGraphicExample mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make ./advancedGraphicExample
All addons include a cmake include file witch ease compiling apps using addons for example ofxOpenCv addon includes a 'ofxOpenCv.cmake' witch may be included in your project CMakeLists.txt.
cd apps/addonsExamples/opencvExample mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make ./openCvExample
All addons should include a <addonname>.cmake witch can be included in application CMakeLists.txt.
For example, if you develop an addon named 'MyCustomAddon', you may follow the followind directory architecture:
- MyCustomAddon - src/ - MyCustomAddon.cmake
To test your addon you develop a 'MyCustomAddonApplication' with the following direcory layout:
- MyCustomAddonApplication - src/testApp.cpp - src/main.cpp - src/... - CMakeLists.txt <- your cmake build file
And your CMakeLists.txt includes the 'MyCustomAddon.cmake' file like this
... include(<path>/<to>/<addon>/<directory>/MyCustomAddon.cmake
- Then your addon may set the following cmake variables:
- ADDONS_SOURCES: addon source files to compile with you application
- ADDONS_LIBRARIES: addon external libraries (for example opencv for ofxOpenCvAddon)
- ADDONS_INCLUDE_DIRS: all required include directories to build your addon an application (for example opencv include dirs)
For more detailed instructions check provided addons cmake files and addonsExample CMakeLists.txt files.
CMake provide the capability to generate project file for various IDE. When developing projects it can be usefull to generate project file and build/run your project inside such an IDE.
cd libs/openFrameworks mkdir project cd project cmake -G"Xcode" ../
This commands generate and xcode project file named OpenFrameworks.xcodeproj witch can be opened with Xcode
open openFrameworks.xcodeproj
Xcode open the generated project and you're ready to develop. Just click build to build openFrameworks
The procedure to generate project for examples, addons is exactly the same.
cd libs/openFrameworks cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" .
- Then open eclipse:
- File->Import->"Existing Project into Workspace"
- Select 'libs/openFrameworks' directory and click "Finish"
You're now ready to develop. To build, just click "Project"->"Build All".
cd libs/openFrameworks cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" .
This generates a openFrameworks.cbp codeblock project file.
cd libs/openFrameworks cmake -G"Kdevelop3" .
- This generates a kdevelop project file ready to use with kdevelop using the following procedure
- Project -> Open/Import Project
- select libs/openFrameworks directory and click next
- The following features should be implemented:
- Generating OSX Framework
- Generating packages for OSX and Linux using CPack features included in CMake
- Package RtAudio library or directly include it in OpenFrameworks code base (witch is done by many applications using RtAudio library)
- Create a continuous integration site instance somewere to perdiodicaly build and generate openFrameworks packages
- OpenFrameworks website:
- OpenFrameworks forum:
- CMake documentation:
- See github project page for email contact