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Idan edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 1 revision

Server functions:

$sj - Convert object to JSON

$sgg - Get Global variable (userid, username, siteid, etc...)

$ssg - Set Global variable (mainly used for sending emails)

$ssc - Set Cookie variable into the user's browser.

$sgc - Get Cookie variable.

$sss - Set Session variable.

$sgs - Get Session variable

$sq - get a Query String from the current url address.

$sp - get a Parameter that was sent to the current module.

$sf - Get the Form that was sent (via HTTP POST)

$ssm - Send Mail to the given address.

$sa - create a new Action. the db variable stores all the data that was sent into the action.

$sba - set an action to occurre Before the given Action. the db variable stores all the data that was sent into the action.

$saa - set an action to occurre After the given Action. the db variable stores all the data that was sent into the action.

$surl - Get the current Url. set to false if you want the url without the domain name.

$sdyc - Decrypt a Value.

$senc - Encrypt a Value.

$sr - Redirect the user to a new url.

Service Functions:

$sget - send a HTTP Get request.

$spost - send a HTTP Post request.

$sexist - checks if a Site Exists.

Util Functions:

$uqs - Sets a value to the Query String on the given url

$req - adds an sjs that is requierd to the code. prevents from adding multiple unnecessary import statements.

Data functions:

$dq - performs a Data Query request. will return a variable with only one field (the first, by default) of the first row found. uses auto-joins.

$dqr - performs a Data Query Row request. Will return an object all the fields of the first row found. uses auto-joins.

$dql - performs a Data Query List request. will return a list containing all the fields of all the rows it will find.

$ds - performs a SQL SELECT query. will return a variable with only one field (the first, by default) of the first row found.

$dsu - performs a SQL UPDATE query.

$dsd - performs a SQL DELETE query. IT HAS TO HAVE A WHERE STATMENT.

$dsu - performs a SQL INSERT query.

$dsr - performs a SQL SELECT query. will return an object conatining all the fields of the first row found.

$dsl - performs a SQL SELECT query. will return a list of object containing all the field of the rows that were found.

$dc - will return all the Data that is used by the Current module.

$dcl - will return all the Data that is used by the Current module as a List.

$de - will make the variable safe to use in queries by Escaping the data.

Miscellaneous SJS:

$site - will create a variable containing all the Site Details.

$tms - will Throw a text msg.

$tsj - will Throw an object as a JSON

$cb - will create a Comment Block JS (can b used in any SJS block of '.js' File).

HTML Functions:

@bb - will open a SJS Block in an html file.

@bil - will open a SJS block In-Line.

@form - will create a Form block area.

@con - creates a Config statemnet.

@if - creates an If statemnt to use in html.

@ifelse - creates an If statment, with an Else block in the html.

@loop - creates a loop that itirate over the given parameters.

@isjs - Imports a SJS. the src can be modified if the file is out of the SJS default folder.

@icss - Imports a CSS. the src can be modified if the file is out of the CSS default folder (styles).

@ijs - Imports a JS. the src can be modified if the file is out of the JS default folder.

@rc - will return the Row Count of the current module.

@rn - will return the Row Number of the current module. to be used inside an item file.

@gd - Get the current Date.

@block - adds a text Block.

@temp - adds a Template module.

@res - adds a Resource module.

@rep - adds a Regex Replace.

Form Elements:

@uitext - creates an UI element to contain Text.

@uitextarea - creates an UI element to contain TextArea.

@uicheck - creates an UI element to contain Check Box.

@uicomboselect - creates an UI element to contain ComboBox. the data will come from a sql table.

@uicombovalue - creates an UI element to contain ComboBox. the data will come from the given hard-coded values.

@uidate - creates an UI element to contain DatePicker. the default format is yyyy/MM/dd

@uisubmit - creates an UI element to contain Submit. the default 'save' action will save the given fields to the current module Table.

@uihidden - creates an UI element to contain Hidden element.

@uiupload - creates an UI element to Upload files to the server.

Miscellaneous HTML/JS:

@deb - will pop up the browser debugger Debugger. will only work on Front-End '.js' files.

@cl - will write the given value into the Console Log. doesn't work on SJS files that are used by ajax or services.

@cb - will create a SJS Comment Block on a HTML file. this comment will not be visible to the user.

Common Forms:

apiform - creates an API Form.

handler - will create an Handler as a js object.

sql - will create a SQL Builder. to be used for complex sql queries.