here's how you use mdnsscan:
it will start looking for mdns service entries and scanning the ports of the devices found. mdnsscan will attempt to identify the service associated with each open port.
note: the current version of the application will scan ports 1 through 65536 on each device found. it may take a while depending on the number of devices and their response times.
here is an example output from mdnsscan:
found entry:
name: test device
host: test-device.local
addrv6: ::1
port: 5000
info: map[device:test device]
scanning ports...
scanning port 1/65536...
scanning port 2/65536...
scanning port 22/65536...
port 22 is open
service message: ssh-2.0-openssh_7.9
port 22 is likely associated with ssh
scanning port 80/65536...
port 80 is open
service message: http/1.1 200 ok
port 80 is likely associated with http
got http response from 200 ok
beginning of response body from <!doctype html>...
scanning port 65536/65536...
total devices: 1
total open ports: 2
service ssh found 1 times
service http found 1 times
in this example, mdnsscan found a single device with two open ports: 22 and 80.
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