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make some improvements based on unity's new memory profiler v2, and old BitbucketMemoryProfiler

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First things first

com.unity.memoryprofiler: new il2cpp-based memoryprofiler v2 for Unity 2018.

BitbucketMemoryProfiler: old il2cpp-based memoryprofiler for Unity5/2017.

If you are using Unity2018,

  • Copy com.unity.memoryprofiler into your Unity2018 project's Assets/StandardAssets/ folder. Empty project is also fine.
  • com.unity.memoryprofiler requires com.unity.editorcoroutines package, you can either install it from Menu/Window/Package Manager, or copy the editorcoroutines package in this repo into your Assets/StandardAssets/.
  • That's it! Connect your device, capture and profile!

If you are using Unity5 or Unity2017,

  • Copy com.unity.memoryprofiler into your Unity2018 project's Assets/StandardAssets/ folder. Empty project is also fine.
  • com.unity.memoryprofiler requires com.unity.editorcoroutines package, you can either install it from Menu/Window/Package Manager, or copy the editorcoroutines package in this repo into your Assets/StandardAssets/.
  • You should copy BitbucketMemoryProfiler into your Unity5/2017 project as well. Empty project is also fine.
  • Open BitbucketMemoryProfiler panel in your Unity5/2017 project, in order to save your time, make sure Enable Crawl to be toggle off!
  • Connect your device, capture and save your device memory snapshot .memsnap3 file
  • Then, in your Unity2018 project, use the com.unity.memoryprofiler to import your memory snapshot.

This com.unity.memoryprofiler and BitbucketMemoryProfiler is modified to fit this workflow, and for some other improvements.



  • XCode Memory Graph(Malloc Stack), Instruments Allocation
  • Unity Built-in Memory Profiler(所有Unity)
  • Unity Bitbucket Memory Profiler(Unity 5.3 ~ Unity 2017.4)
  • Unity New Memory Profiler v2(Unity 2018)


XCode Memory Graph(Malloc Stack), Instruments Allocation

XCode Memory Graph[1]在开启Malloc Stack选项的情况下,抓取到的memgraph文件,配合vmmapmalloc_history等命令,可以提供非常详细的操作系统Native级别、Metal图形驱动级别的内存分配信息。 下面是抓取结果示例,

内存类型 内存大小(Dirty Size + Swapped Size)
物理内存占用约: 500.7MB(258.7M + 242.0M)
MALLOC_LARGE 145.4MB(47.7M + 97.7M)
IOKIT 113.3MB(64.4M + 48.9M)
MALLOC_SMALL 79.1MB(20.0M + 59.1M)
VM_ALLOCATE 55.8MB(46.9M + 9152K)
MALLOC_NANO 39.9MB(27.6M + 12.3M)
MALLOC_TINY 36.0MB(32.3M + 3760K)
IOSurface 11.8MB(11.8M + 16K)


内存申请描述 内存大小
wwise加载Bank 11.5MB+2.34MB+2MB
CmdQ的初始化 8.1MB
C#反射信息TABLE的扩容 8MB+6MB+6MB
IOKit/ConstantBuffer/ScratchBuffer 4MB+4MB+4MB+4MB

Instruments的Allocation则提供基于Timeline的类似Native级别的Heap和Virtual Memory的内存分配。通过Instruments的Invert Call Tree,也能从另外的角度去看哪些公用的底层逻辑分配的累计内存比较多。

因此,XCode的Memory Graph、Instruments的Allocation适用于分析整体分配情况、分析Unity的Native分配情况、和非Unity(比如一些插件等)、各线程的Native分配情况。

另外,WWDC 2019新发布的XCode11 + iOS13或iPadOS13,能看到Metal/IOKit内部的详细分配情况[4]

但Unity一般是申请了大块Native内存后,自行在里面进行内存管理,其对于Native内存来说是黑盒。 所以,XCode抓取Memory Graph粒度太粗,如能有精确逻辑意义的Unity object level的信息(C# object、engine object如texture data object等),将事半功倍。

Unity Built-in Memory Profiler

Unity Built-in Memory Profiler在所有Unity都支持,兼容性很好,且提供了比较好的Unity engine object的信息,但其对C# object来说依然比较笼统,且不能给出精确的Unity object之间的引用关系。也不能进行内存快照对比、分析内存泄漏情况。

Unity Bitbucket Memory Profiler

Unity自5.3版本开始,提供了Bitbucket Memory Profiler[2]。 它的优点也比较明显,其依赖于Unity自己掌控的IL2CPP,结合Unity的内部内存管理,抓取出详尽的Memory Snapshot,提供了具体的Unity object信息(C# object、engine object)。 但是!慢!太慢!是Unity Bitbucket Memory Profiler的致命缺点!谁也不愿意忍受30分钟乃至几个小时的等待时间!这是因为它当前的实现,是拿到Snapshot后,进行全量的内存数据分析(Crawling),才能进行展示。 其数据呈现默认只支持Tree Map,不利于海量对象的分析。 所幸这个Profiler的分析器和Editor的源码是公开的,所以理论上可以修改其分析器源码,改进其全量分析导致耗时等缺点。

Unity Memory Profiler V2

在打算修改Bitbucket Memory Profiler源码前,理应了解一下当前有否已有类似工程的存在。 在这过程中,发现Unity 2018有新的Memory Profiler v2的Preview[3],其改进了Bitbucket Memory Profiler的慢的缺点,而且提供了snapshot的对比工具以分析泄漏情况,其Editor在数据呈现上也比较人性化,除了TreeMap外,提供了List View、Memory Map、Table View等。 它的兼容性本是个问题,因其本需要2018.3内置新的Memory Snapshot Backend以抓取新的SnapshotV2数据结构才能工作。但后面新的版本考虑了兼容性,支持将Bitbucket Memory Profiler抓取的Snapshot转为SnapshotV2,从而可以在Unity 5.3~2017.4进行Snapshot抓取、在2018进行分析。


总而言之,Unity一般是申请了大块Native内存后,自行在里面进行内存管理,包括进行Engine Object的分配的和C# Object的分配。 XCode Memory Graph只能给出操作系统Native级别、Metal驱动级别的内存分配,粒度太粗,只能进行宏观分析。 只有Unity的Profiler才能进行内存Object-Level的精确分析。Unity Built-in Memory Profiler未做到C# Object-Level精度、难于进行对比泄漏分析。 Unity Bitbucket Memory Profiler的抓取Memory Snapshot的速度很快,但其数据分析(Crawling)实现是全量分析,导致速度慢得难以接受。 Unity New Memory Profiler V2是Unity 2018新的Memory Profiler,其增量地进行数据分析,且提供了内存快照对比查找泄漏,而且兼容Bitbucket Memory Profiler的抓取Memory Snapshot,所以是当前最适合的内存Profiler工具。


[1] WWDC, "iOS Memory Deep Dive", 2018. Available:

[2] Unity, "MemoryProfiler", 2017. Available:

[3] Unity, "New Memory Profiler preview package available for Unity 2018.3", 2018. Available:

[4] WWDC, "Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games", 2019. Available:


make some improvements based on unity's new memory profiler v2, and old BitbucketMemoryProfiler






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