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This is a code repo from React meetup #8 Time to React.
Link to meetup: React Jeopardy - Time To React - September 2019
25:36 - What does React Strict Mode do?
46:30 - How would you protect the rest of your front-end application when there is an error in a part of the UI?
04:14 - What would you use to render a component outside of React DOM ?
43:00 - What does the term Render Props refer to?
35:40 - What kind of error types are not caught by Error Boundary components?
1:00:37 - What’s the equivalent of ComponentDidMount using hooks?
1:01:15 - What's the equivalent of componentWillUnmount using hooks?
09:13 - Name at least 5 standard React hooks
48:25 - How would you compare old prop values and new prop values between renders using hooks?
19:30 - What’s the difference between useCallback and useMemo
52:15 - What is shallow rendering in React?
52:45 - How would you mock modules that are required inside a component, with Jest?
54:10 - What function from react-testing-library would you use to test a component that asynchronously changes the DOM?
57:22 - What would you use to test a component that depends on JS's native setTimeout or setInterval?
22:14 - What's the difference between findByText() and getByText() in react-testing-library?
39:50 - What are the names of the two main functions used for SSR from ReactDOMServer and ReactDOM?
39:00 - How would you stop a function component from being unnecessarily re-rendered?
13:17 - What React components would you use to increase performance in part of your app, that uses a big 3rd party library or has to fetch large resources?
10:20 - If your application renders long lists of data (1000+), what is the recommended technique called, that will dramatically reduce the time it takes to render the components, as well as the number of DOM nodes created?
28:25 - Name 2 pros and 3 cons of using SSR?