Cool ebuilds collection for gentoo
These ebuilds are provided as it. They work for me at the time I commited them. I make my possible to follow the gentoo policies and to keep the ebuilds up to date. All ebuilds are tested with repoman. If you find a non working ebuild, please contribute and open a bug report.
The x11-wm/fvwm3 ebuild does not follow the gentoo policy about installation paths. It install most of the files into /usr/local. That way, you can have both fvwm 2 and 3 installed into the same system.
media-sound/guitarix[dkbuilder] will install guitarix as usual. It will also install dkbuilder world writable into /usr/share/dkbuilder. An improved 'dkbuilder' script is provided. Just run it as user and follow the help message in order to setup and manage the dkbuilder virtual python environment.
media-sound/guitarix: use the main tree ebuild. For the dev-util/dkbuilder, use the proaudio-gentoo overlay and see the linux musician forum for explanation about it.
media-video/cinelerra: cinelerra-gg live ebuild which follow upstream linking recommendation.
sci-electronics/lepton-eda: gEDA fork
sci-electronics/spice-audio-tools: using wav files with ngspice.
sci-electronics/xoscope: xoscope live ebuild
x11-libs/gtkdatabox: runtime dependency for sci-electronics/xoscope
And a few other ones as temporary fixes for software managed outside of Gencool and proaudio-gentoo.
I suppose you want to install the overlay in /var/lib/layman, and get it managed by layman
cd /var/lib/layman
git clone
must have one repo section for each layman managed overlay. As example for GenCool:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<repositories encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0">
<repo priority="50" quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Domichel's overlay with cool ebuilds</description>
<source type="git">git://</source>
should look like:
should be:
main-repo = layman
location = /var/lib/layman/GenCool
sync-type = git
sync-uri =
should have a section for GenCool:
priority = 90
location = /var/lib/layman/GenCool
layman-type = git
auto-sync = No
Now, you can run layman -s ALL
and get all your overlays including GenCool to be updated.
You will see something like:
* Syncing selected overlay(s)...
* Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman/GenCool && /usr/bin/git pull )
Already up to date.
* Successfully synchronized overlay "GenCool".
* Overlay "GenCool" could not be found in the remote lists.
You can ignore that warning, it's normal because GenCool is not in layman's remote list of overlays.