Title: Integracija verige blokov in tehnologij semantičnega spleta
Title (English): Integration of blockchain and semantic web technologies
Install solidity compiler
Install web3j
cd src/main/java;
- cli
npm install -g ganache-cli
ganache-cli -h -d -m "example onion where village dignity affair lady inject spray car bomb two"
# set ethereumNodeAddress to "http://localhost:8545"
- gui Ganache
In order to connect to other Ethereum node change ethereum/nodeAddress in config.yaml
set heap space big enough to input ontology files e.g. -ea -Xmx2048m
Run program on the dataset from the article Blockchain-based transaction manager for ontology databases
We have run three configurations (A, B and C) in that order several times. After C we started with A again.
Three run configurations in XML format used for scenarios A,B,C are available in folder .idea/runConfigurations
Jetbrains editor will load configurations when opening the project.
For each run of the configuration csv file with measurements of the run gets created which were used for the analysis of results.