FiatAdapter makes it incredibly quick and easy to integrate multiple major fiat gateways into your website in just a couple lines of code, enabling your site's visitors to buy and sell cryptocurrencies and tokens with fiat currency for the best available rate from over 160 countries.
Integrating FiatAdapter into your site can be done with just two lines of code.
First, import FiatAdapter:
<script src=""></script>
Then call the function displayFiatAdapter
to display the purchasing widget. For example:
<button onclick="displayFiatAdapter()">BUY CRYPTO</button>
And that's everything! All together here's a simple example:
<script src=""></script>
<button onclick="displayFiatAdapter()">BUY CRYPTO</button>
FiatAdapter works by combining the integrations of all supported fiat gateways, saving you the time of integrating and managing each one yourself. Additionally FiatAdapter looks at the location of the user and chooses the fiat gateway that offers the user the lowest fee among the fiat gateways that support that user's region. You can also customize FiatAdapter to choose which cryptocurrencies you make available to your users as well as payment methods, supported regions, and much more.
Currently Fiat Adapter is integrated with 6 of the most established fiat gateways:
Each fiat gateway charges a different fee, has different maximums, minimums, and quotes different prices. FiatAdapter takes into account all available information to select the provider that offers the best rate for the user. FiatAdapter doesn't take any fee, users pay the same as if you were to integrate each of these fiat gateways yourself.
You can customize the experience for your users across all supported fiat gateways with a single set of options.
To customize, once the document is ready you can call the function updateOptionsUrl
, like this:
name: 'YourCompany',
allowedCryptos: ['ETH', 'DAI'],
unsupportedDiv: '<div style="font-weight:bold;">Sorry, your region isn\'t supported</div>'
Option | Description | Default |
logo | A URL pointing to your company or website's logo. | null |
name | Your company or website's name. | null |
message | A message displayed during loading for the fiat gateway Carbon. | null |
address | The wallet address that the transaction will deposit to. If not provided the widget will have the user fill it in. If it is provided, it will auto-fill. | null (allow the user to fill it in) |
wyreAccountId | If you have an account with Wyre you can provide your ID here. | null |
safelloAppId | If you have an account with Safello you can provide your ID here. | null |
carbonApiKey | If you have an account with Carbon you can provide your API key here. | null |
moonpayApiKey | If you have an account with Moonpay you can provide your API key here. | null |
preferredCurrency | The 3 letter abbreviation of the fiat currency you'd like amounts to be displayed in, for example USD or GBP . |
Chosen regionally if available, or USD |
amount | An amount to be pre-filled for purchase in fiat (for example 100.1 -> $100.10). If not provided the widget will let the user fill it in. | null (allow the user to fill it in) |
asset | Choose a crypto asset to be pre-selected that the user will be limited to if supported. For example, ETH . Choosing an asset that isn't supported by a fiat gateway will prevent that fiat gateway from being selected. |
null (allow user to choose and show whatever the default is for each fiat gateway) |
redirect | A redirect link to be used by Wyre after the transaction is completed. | null |
unsupported | HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - A div to be shown if the region the user is in isn't supported with the custimization provided. |
<div>Region not supported</div> cross-site scripting concerns? |
allowedProviders | A list of providers allowed to be used, all others will be blocked | [WYRE , RAMP , PAYTRIE , CARBON , MOONPAY , SAFELLO ] |
blockedProviders | A list of providers not allowed. All others available will be permitted. | [] |
allowedMethods | A list of payment methods allowed to be used. All others will be blocked. | [CREDIT_CARD , DEBIT_CARD , BANK_TRANSFER , APPLE_PAY , GOOGLE_PAY , PAYPAL ] |
blockedMethods | A list of payment methods not allowed. All others will be allowed. | [] |
allowedCurrencies | A list of payment methods not allowed. All others will be allowed. | [USD , CAD , EUR , GBP ] |
blockedCurrencies | A list of payment methods not allowed. All others will be allowed. | [] |
allowedCryptos | A list of cryptocurrencies and tokens allowed. All others will be blocked. | [SC , BTC , ETH , DAI , SAI , BAT , EOS , TRX , BCH , PAX , XLM , XRP , BNT_EOS , BTT , BNB , VGW , JAM , RSR , RSV , FXC , PMA , COIN , ORED , TRXD , CUSD , CUSD_EOS , CUSD_BNB , XDAI , TLOS , HBAR , TUSD , USDC , USDT , MIOTA , TLOSD ] |
blockedCryptos | A list of cryptocurrencies and tokens that aren't allowed. All others will be allowed. | [] |
allowedRegions | A list of regions (two letter country code) that are allowed. All others will be blocked. | [US , CA , CN , RU , VN , BO , CO , EC , DZ , BD , ID , JO , KG , MA , NP , SA , IR , PK , TW , KH , CU , KP , AU , AT , BE , BR , BG , HR , CY , CZ , DK , EE , FI , FR , DE , GR , HK , HU , IS , IE , IT , JP , KR , LV , LI , LT , LU , MT , MX , NL , NO , PL , PT , RO , SK , SI , ZA , ES , SE , GB ] |
blockedRegions | A list of regions (two letter country code) that are blocked. All others will be allowed. | [] |
allowedStates | If the US is an allowed region, a list of US states and territories (two letter state code) that are allowed. All others will be blocked. | [AK , AL , AR , AZ , CA , CO , CT , DE , FL , GA , HI , ID , IL , IN , IA , KS , KY , LA , ME , MD , MA , MI , MN , MS , MO , MT , NE , NV , NH , NJ , NM , NY , NC , ND , OH , OK , OR , PA , RI , SC , SD , TN , TX , UT , VT , VA , WA , WV , WI , WY , AS , DC , FM , GU , MH , MP , PW , PR , VI ] Note: rename. |
blockedStates | If US is an allowed region, a list of US states and territories (two letter state code) that are blocked. All others will be allowed. |
[] what happens if I specify both allowed states and unallowed? Note: suggested re-name. |
allowedProvinces | If CA is an allowed region, a list of CA provinces and territories (two lette code) that are allowed. All others will be blocked. |
[AB , BC , MB , NB , NL , NS , ON , PE , QC , SK , NT , NU , YT ] Note: rename. |
blockedProvinces | If CA is an allowed region, a list of CA provinces and territories (two letter code) that are blocked. All others will be allowed. | [] what happens if I specify both allowed provinces and unallowed? Note: rename. |
buyAllowed | true to allow people to purchase crypto with fiat or false to block buying. |
true |
sellAllowed | true to allow people to sell crypto for fiat or false to block selling. |
true |
customRegions | If you want a specific fiat gateway for a given region you can define that here, in the format {<country code>: <fiat gateway>} . For example: [{'GB': 'MOONPAY'}, {'FR': 'CARBON'}] . |
[] |
sortMethod | The method by which a fiat gateway is chosen. Use rate_buy to choose the lowest crypto purchasing fee. Use rate_sell to choose the lowest crypto selling fee. Use daily_limit to choose the highest daily conversion limit. |
rate_buy |
minimumLimit | The minimum daily trade amount that the fiat gateway needs to be able to support. This overrides sortMethod . For example, based on your sortMethod providerA is chosen because it only charges 1%, however it has a daily trade limit of $500. If you set the minimumLimit to $1000, FiatAdapter would choose providerB because it allows for $2500 to be traded daily, even though it has a fee of 2.5%. |
null |