This project is based on Josh Long's Spring Boot demo and the transcript of his session. I've taken the tech stack and code scenario he used in his demo and put a little bit of my own style on it.
- Restricting access between packages using Spring Modulith
- Compare API load test results with and without virtual threads enabled
- Storing data from a database in a vector store with Spring AI
- Vector similarity search from vector store
- Querying the Ollama chat client
- Native compilation via GraalVM
- Automatically run Docker Compose when the application starts
- This project is a demo in the nature of introducing a specific feature. While many things were considered, the code style may not be consistent in some places.
- This project is based on Josh Long's demo scenario, but it's not verbatim - I've added my own style to it.
- If you are interested in the original demo, please see the project below.