This starter can be used to quickly setup a csound-web (v 6.16.1) project developed with react-bootstrap. This starter ships with a small csound instrument which generates sound with random spline waves.
What you need Node.js 12+
Install gatsby cli Gatsby is a static site generator for react with server side rendering.
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Create a site.
# create a new Gatsby site using the csound-web-gatsby-react-bootstrap-starter starter gatsby new my_new_csound_web_project
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my_new_csound_web_project gatsby develop
The csound webapp is now running at http://localhost:8000
If all worked well you should see "Csound running".
You can use this starter without any deeper js/react knowhow. The GUI of a csound instrument can be made by filling out a JS object
as shown in src/pages/index.js
import React from 'react'
import Layout from '../components/layout'
import CsoundInstr from '../components/lib/csoundinstr'
import Components from '../components/lib/components'
import { Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap";
import { withPrefix } from 'gatsby';
const IndexPage = () => {
const inst = {
{ type: 'panel', label: 'morph', id: 'morph', widgets: [
{ id: 'weight', type: 'fader', label: 'WGT', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, defval: 0.5 , height: 200},
{ id: 'xy', idx:'num1',idy:'num2',type: 'xy', label: 'mix', minX: 0, maxX: 3.99, minY: 0, maxY: 3.99,step: 0.01, defval : { num1 :0.5 , num2 : 0.5 }, height: 200},
{ type: 'panel', label: 'waves', id: 'waves', widgets: [
{ type: 'panel', label: 'wave 0', id: 'wave0', vertical: true, widgets: [
{ id: 'wavesteps_0', type: 'knob', label: 'steps', min: 4, max: 16, step: 1, defval:10 },
{ id: 'waveseed_0', type: 'spinner', label: 'seed', size:4, min: 1, max: 100000, step: 1, defval: 11}
{ type: 'panel', label: 'wave 1', id: 'wave1', vertical: true, widgets: [
{ id: 'wavesteps_1', type: 'knob', label: 'steps', min: 4, max: 16, step: 1, defval:10 },
{ id: 'waveseed_1', type: 'spinner', label: 'seed', size:4, min: 1, max: 100000, step: 1, defval: 12}
{ type: 'panel', label: 'wave 2', id: 'wave2', vertical: true, widgets: [
{ id: 'wavesteps_2', type: 'knob', label: 'steps', min: 4, max: 16, step: 1, defval:10 },
{ id: 'waveseed_2', type: 'spinner', label: 'seed', size:4, min: 1, max: 100000, step: 1, defval: 13}
{ type: 'panel', label: 'wave 3', id: 'wave3', vertical: true, widgets: [
{ id: 'wavesteps_3', type: 'knob', label: 'steps', min: 4, max: 16, step: 1, defval:10 },
{ id: 'waveseed_3', type: 'spinner', label: 'seed', size:4, min: 1, max: 100000, step: 1, defval: 14}
{ type: 'panel', label: 'master', id: 'master', widgets: [
{ id : 'amp', type : 'fader', label : 'amp', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, defval: 0.6, height: 200 },
{ id : 'rev', type : 'fader', label : 'reverb', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, defval: 0.6, height: 200 },
const tunings = [
{ name: 'blue', basekey: 0, basefreq: 8.25, scale: [ 1,21/20,10/9,7/6,5/4,21/16,7/5,3/2,25/16,5/3,7/4,15/8]},
{ name: 'overtone', basekey: 0, basefreq: 8.25, scale: [ 1,17/16,9/8,19/16,5/4,21/16,11/8,3/2,13/8,27/16,7/4,15/8]},
{ name: 'monte', basekey: 10, basefreq: 4.58333, scale: [ 1,64/63,9/8,8/7,7/6,4/3,21/16,3/2,32/21,14/9,16/9,7/4]},
return (
<Row><Col><h2>Random Spline Waves</h2></Col></Row>
<Row><Col> <CsoundInstr csoundwasm={withPrefix('csound.esm.js')} inst={inst} csd={ withPrefix('rspline.csd')} plugins={[]} tunings={tunings}/></Col></Row>
export default IndexPage
Thereby the follwing rules apply:
- The id attribute of the components must match the channel name in the csound instrument located in the 'static' folder (exceptions: idx and idy in the xy component and <id>_a,<id>_d,<id>_s,<id>_r in the predefined component adsr )
- In order to play the instrument with midi (chrome) or the computer keyboard, the instrument must provide two trigger instruments
as in the static/rspline.csd shown.
opcode freqtrigger,0,iiii
insno,ion,ifreq,ivel xin
print insno,ion,ifreq,ivel
if ion == 1 then
event "i",insno+(ifreq*0.00001),0,-1,ifreq,ivel
turnoff2 insno+(ifreq*0.00001),4,1
opcode notetrigger,0,iiii
insno,ion,ikey,ivel xin
ifreq = cpsmidinn(ikey)
freqtrigger insno,ion,ifreq,ivel
instr trig
insno = nstrnum("rspline")
notetrigger insno,p4,p5,p6
/* for other tunings */
instr freqtrig
insno = nstrnum("rspline")
freqtrigger insno,p4,p5,p6
The freqtrig instrument is used for other tunings which can be passed to the CsoundInstr (see above).
The following components are currently available:
parameter | type | description | mandatory |
type | string | must be 'panel' | yes |
id | string | the id of the panel | yes |
label | string | the label displayed above the panel | no |
on | boolean | if true the label will be rendered as button which triggers a one or zero on the channel <id> -- can be used to turn on and off a complete unit | no |
onVal | 0 or 1 | the default value for on/off | no |
widgets | list | the list of components in the panel | yes |
vertical | boolean | the orientaiton of the components inside the panel (default false - horizontal) | no |
The faders and knobs support editing values and stepping via the keyboard up and down arrows.
parameter | type | description | mandatory |
type | string | must be 'fader'/'hfader'/'knob' | yes |
id | string | the id of the fader corresponding to the csound channel name | yes |
label | string | the label displayed above the fader | no |
min | number | the minimum value of the fader/knob | yes |
max | number | the maximum value of the fader/knob | yes |
step | number | the precision of the fader/knob - use 1 for integer and e.g. 0.01 for floats | yes |
defval | number | the default value | yes |
height | number | the height of the fader/knob | yes |
width | number | the witdh of the knob/hfader | yes |
a number input with up and down arrows.
parameter | type | description | mandatory |
type | string | must be 'spinner' | yes |
id | string | the id of the number input corresponding to the csound channel name | yes |
label | string | the label displayed above the fader | no |
min | number | the minimum value of the number input | yes |
max | number | the maximum value of the number input | yes |
step | number | the precision of the fader/knob - use 1 for integer and e.g. 0.01 for floats | yes |
defval | number | the default value | yes |
size | number | the number of characters | yes |
parameter | type | description | mandatory |
type | string | must be 'xy' | yes |
idx | string | the id of the x value corresponding to the csound channel name | yes |
idy | string | the id of the y value corresponding to the csound channel name | yes |
label | string | the label displayed above the fader | no |
minX | number | the minimum value of x | yes |
maxX | number | the maximum value of x | yes |
minY | number | the minimum value of y | yes |
maxY | number | the maximum value of y | yes |
step | number | the precision of the xy values - use 1 for integer and e.g. 0.01 for floats | yes |
defval | object | the default value of the form {[idx]:defaultx,[idy]:defaulty } | yes |
a radio button selection
parameter | type | description | mandatory |
type | string | must be 'select' | yes |
id | string | the id of the number input corresponding to the csound channel name | yes |
label | string | the label displayed above the fader | no |
start | number | the index of the first button mostly eithier 0 or 1, defualt 0 | no |
vertical | boolean | arrangement of the toggle buttons default false | no |
items | string array | the items of the selection | yes |
combobox, string input, meter, ....
gatsby clean && gatsby build
If all worked fine then you can test the app via gatsby serve
The static web site is located in the public
folder and can be deployed where ever you want to.
If the webapp is hosted under a subpath do the following:
- in gatsby-config.js edit the entry
to point to the target path on the web server. - Run
gatsby clean && gatsby build --prefix-paths
To be done.
The components a reusable. So for making apps e.g. without midi or with sequencers just take the src/components/lib/csoundinstr.js
modify it acordingly.
It is possible to plug in custom components in this system by providing a generation funtion (see src/components/lib/panel.js
Examples will be provided soonish.