Releases: dnaka91/llvm-cov-pretty
0.1.10 - 2024-09-15
🐛 Bug Fixes
📚 Documentation
- Strip unneeded comments from the (0c07a20)
All headers are prefixed with a
<!-- [number] -->
HTML comment to
enforce certain ordering of change categories. But these are not needed
for anything but initial sorting and can be stripped. - Fix typo in (#10) (843c638)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
0.1.8 - 2023-10-06
⛰️ Features
- Allow to control the report's output directory (458ede9)
A new CLI flag that allows to save the report to a user-defined
directory instead of the defaulttarget/llvm-cov-pretty
location.Caution should be taken as there is no additional logic for non-empty
directories. The target directory will be fully wiped in the process of
generating the report, without prior confirmation. - Enable auto-wrapping of CLI help messages (86cd5c7)
By enabling clap's
feature, the help output is now nicely
aligned to the terminal wraps, which makes it easier to read in case of
longer help messages.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Set link for first uncovered line (481434a)
A link tag existed that should move to the first uncovered line in
source view, but it never contained a proper working URL.Also, the link won't be generated anymore if there aren't any uncovered
lines in the file.
📚 Documentation
- Correct the repo URL of links in (178b848)
In the previous improvement of the changelog format, the wrong
repository URL slipped in the settings as the file was copied over from
another project. This resulted in all link to point to the wrong
0.1.7 - 2023-09-25
⛰️ Features
- Mark partially-covered lines in yellow (e3eafbd)
So far lines that are covered but have missing function calls
(instantiations) were marked with red. To better indicate that they're
basically called but have a few missing instantiations a new yellow
color is introduced for those. - Sort and deduplicate annotation messages (fbcaf0e)
The opt-in annotations for missing function calls and instantiations
are now sorted alphabetically and deduplicated to reduce the amount of
vertical space occupied. - Add a new flag to disable usage of function coverage (5dd1824)
A new flag that allows to opt-out of utilizing the function coverage
information in the source view. That means only basic file coverage will
be used if this flag is used.Overview pages will still show the function coverage percentages
accordingly, regardless of the flag.
📚 Documentation
- Improve changelog format (2662278)
Extend the changelog generator to create prettier changelogs, similar to
how the changelog in thegit-cliff
tool itself looks.
[0.1.4] - 2023-08-10
- Report the JSON path of in case of a parsing error (b0a3497)
If deserialization of the coverage data failed, and the cause is an
invalid or unexpected structure, the JSON path to the location of the
error is reported. - Use new cargo-llvm-cov context data (a03b5cf)
With a recent release of
, additional data is injected
into the coverage JSON report. This allows for easier version checks and
location of the project's manifest file.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Don't double-print the JSON path (9f84893)
- Add unit tests for highlighter, minifier and schema parsing (6f0d782)
[0.1.2] - 2023-06-22
Bug Fixes
- Ensure partially covered lines are always marked as uncovered (f4b3f0f)
- Note about first setup and stability (9bcc4f3)
- Show light/dark theme support in help messages (5fa713f)
- Improve error messages, especially external tool checks (3788323)
- Allow manually defining the project's manifest path (5d972b8)
- Make annotations for missing instantations opt-in (d798f5a)
- Ensure files lists are always sorted alphabetically (2b898f8)
- Add option to only highlight the gutter for coverage info (97b359c)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Prepare for v0.1.2 (f816f27)
[0.1.1] - 2023-06-22
Bug Fixes
- Don't show a 0 count if coverage is unknown (6cd93f8)
- Reduce gaps in colored coverage areas (1094cfa)
- Handle the case where report paths are relative (94ae77a)
- Process coverage data and files in parallel (d253d0f)
- Add version check for cargo-llvm-cov (624ab1c)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Configure GitHub issue templates (5eaa073)
- Don't render all issue template fields as Markdown (93de0d1)